note | Es importante notar el contexto histórico. | It is important to note its historical context. |
note | Me gustaría notar la efectividad realmente notable del dispositivo. | I would like to note the really noticeable effectiveness of the device. |
note | Debemos notar nuevamente que existe poca evidencia. | We must again note that there is little evidence. |
notice | Soy demasiado popular para notar cosas. | I'm just too popular to notice stuff. |
notice | No puedo evitar notar tu frustración. | I can't help but notice your frustration. |
notice | Empiezo a notar un patrón aquí. | I'm startir to notice a pattern here. |
notice | No pude evitar notar tu fuerte acento centroamericano. | I couldn't help but notice your rich Central American accent. |
notice | Empecé a notar los síntomas anoche. | I only began to notice the symptoms last night. |
notice | Tom parecía no notar ningún problema. | Tom didn’t seem to notice any problems. |
notice | Puede tardar algunas semanas para notar cualquier resultado. | It may take a few weeks to notice any results. |
notice | Podemos notar en vuestra música muchas influencias. | We can notice in your music a lot of different influences. |
notice | También es importante notar la intensidad de tus emociones. | It's also important to notice the intensity of your emotions. |
feel | Puede notar cómo serpentean hasta abajo. | You can feel them wiggling practically all the way down. |
feel | El paciente comienza a notar diversos síntomas. | The patient starts to feel a variety of symptoms. |
feel | Tienes que notar tu arma siempre. | You got to feel your gun at all times. |
feel | François Gabart/ Macif Empiezo a notar la diferencia horaria. | François Gabart/ Macif We're starting to feel the time difference. |
notice, observe | He notado que no os lleváis bien. | I've noticed (or: observed) that you are not getting along. |
point [sth] out to [sb] | Hazle notar que está siendo grosera. | Point out to him that he's being rude. |
become noticeable | El calor se ha hecho notar este mes. | The heat has become noticeable this month. |
draw attention to yourself | A Pedro le gusta hacerse notar. | Pedro likes to draw attention to himself. |
stand out | Si no te haces notar no te van a recordar. | If you don't stand out, they won't remember you. |