interest | Ha estado intentando interesar a John en especulaciones. | He's been trying to interest John in a speculation. |
interest | Nunca pude interesar a la policía local. | I could never manage to interest the local police. |
interest | Esas deportaciones se mencionan raramente en los medios de difusión y no parecen interesar a las organizaciones no gubernamentales. | Those deportations were rarely mentioned in the media and did not seem to interest non-governmental organizations. |
interest | La prestación de servicios educativos ha llegado a interesar igualmente a las inversiones del sector privado. | Educational service provision has also become of interest to private sector investment. |
interest | Cuando una cultura te llega a interesar, tú aprendes su lenguaje. | When a culture grabs your interest, you learn the language. |
interest | Quizás le pueda interesar en mi opinión. | Then maybe I could interest you in mine. |
interest | La mejor oportunidad desde Henry Ford y no consigo interesar a nadie. | It's only the biggest business opportunity since Henry Ford, And I can't seem to interest a soul. |
interest | Las recomendaciones poseen plena vigencia y podrían interesar al Comité encargado de las organizaciones no gubernamentales. | Those recommendations are still relevant and could be of interest to the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations. |
interest | Su propio afecto desmedido por aquella palabra debería interesar a los psicoanalistas. | His inordinate love of that word itself should be of interest to psychoanalysts. |
interest | Gelli comenzó entonces a interesar a dos jueces, Giuliano Turone y Gherardo Colombo. | Licio Gelli then started to interest two judges, Giuliano Turone and Gherardo Colombo. |
interest | Pues, esto te deberá interesar. | Well, this should interest you. |
interest | Sabes cómo interesar a un hombre. | You know how to interest a man. |
interest | Jacques Vallée trató de interesar a Spielberg en una explicación alternativa para el fenómeno ovni. | He also attempted to interest Spielberg in an alternative explanation for the phenomenon. |
interest | Quizás tengo algo que pueda interesar a esos amantes de las reliquias religiosas. | Perhaps I do have something that might interest those keen on religious relics. |
be interested | Rogamos paséis esta información a quien pueda interesar. | Please forward this information to anybody who can be interested. |
be interested | No creo que me vaya a interesar. | I don't think I'd be interested. |
be interested | Le dije que no te iba a interesar. | I told her you wouldn't be interested. |
be interested in | Pensé que le podía interesar recuperar el cuchillo. | I thought you might be interested in recovering the knife. |
be interested in | Nada que te vaya a interesar. | Nothing you'd be interested in. |
be interested in | Tengo un par de cosas que se me ocurrió que les debía interesar. | I've got a couple of things that I think you guys might be interested in. |
interest | Es un tema que le interesa profundamente. | It's a topic that deeply interests her. |
interest | Me gustaría interesar a mi pareja en mis aficiones. | I would like to interest my wife in my hobbies. |