mean | Sigue sin significar que la asesinara. | It still doesn't mean he murdered her. |
mean | Una nube puede significar lluvia o tormenta. | A cloud can mean a shower or a storm. |
mean | Ambos teníamos idea de qué podía significar. | We both had ideas about what that could mean. |
mean | Sigues diciéndome cosas como si tuvieran que significar algo. | You keep saying things to me like they're supposed to mean something. |
mean | Pero no tiene que significar nada. | But it doesn't have to mean anything. |
mean | Eso sólo puede significar buenas noticias. | It can mean only one thing - good news. |
mean | Eso solo tiene que significar algo. | You just got to have it mean something. |
mean | Debe significar que aprueba mis planes. | It must mean that she approves of my plans. |
mean | Sabes, puede significar cosas totalmente opuestas. | You know, it can mean quite opposite things. |
mean | Sólo puede significar peligro de muerte. | And these foreboding symbols... can only mean danger of death. |
mean | Colocar los cadáveres debe significar algo. | The staging of the bodies must mean something. |
mean | Debe significar muchísimo si vienes a mi. | Must mean an awful lot if you're coming to me. |
mean | Debe significar más que el libre comercio. | Freedom must mean more than the free trade of goods and services. |
mean | Eso debe significar que no tienes pruebas. | That must mean you don't have any proof. |
mean | Ser el primero puede significar algo diferente. | Being somebody's first can mean something completely different. |
mean | Si se equivoca, puede significar nuestra destrucción. | If you're wrong, it could mean our destruction. |
mean | Pero las combinaciones no necesitan significar algo. | Except the combinations don't have to mean anything in the usual sense. |
signify | Una firma es simplemente la señal distintiva que una persona emplea habitualmente para significar su intención. | A signature is simply the distinctive mark that a person regularly uses to signify his or her intention. |
spell | Laali tratando de cruzar el puente en este estado Puede significar un problema. | Laali trying to cross the bridge in this state can spell trouble. |
mean | La palabra "México" significa "en el ombligo de la Luna" en náhuatl. | The word "Mexico" means "in the moon's navel" in Nahuatl. |
signify, indicate | En el lenguaje de las flores, la rosa blanca significa "soy digno de ti". | In the language of flowers, a white rose signifies "I'm worthy of you." |