interesting | Es información interesante y pensé compartirla. | It's interesting information I thought I'd share with you. |
interesting | Tenemos también información demográfica muy interesante. | We have lots of other really interesting demographic information as well. |
interesting | Sin duda, sería interesante conocer esas cifras. | It would indeed be very interesting to have those figures. |
interesting | No obstante, sería interesante obtener información adicional sobre dos cuestiones. | There were two points, however, on which it would be interesting to have additional information. |
interesting | Conviene mencionar una interesante novedad reciente. | An interesting recent development deserves to be mentioned. |
interesting | Es ejemplo interesante de cooperación triangular. | This is an interesting example of triangular cooperation. |
interesting | Pensé que la partida no era interesante. | Thought you didn't find this game particularly interesting. |
interesting | Pero es interesante leer todos los comentarios. | But it's interesting to read all the comments. |
interesting | Parece haber sido un hombre interesante. | He seems to have been an interesting man. |
interesting | Es muy interesante, esta en buenas condiciones... | It's very interesting, it's in good condition... |
interesting | Seguro que tiene un programa interesante para esto. | I'm sure you've got some interesting programming for this gadget. |
interesting | Mizoguchi estaba muy deprimido y buscaba un trabajo interesante. | Mizoguchi was terribly depressed... and was looking around... for an interesting job. |
interesting | El asentamiento les parecerá muy interesante. | You'll find our settlement an interesting one. |
interesting | No digan nada interesante hasta que vuelva. | Don't say anything interesting until I get back. |
interesting | Qué manera tan interesante de verlo. | What an interesting way to look at it. |
interesting | Vi algo que parece potencialmente interesante y pensé que debía... | I saw something that looked potentially interesting and I thought I should... |
interesting | Llegas justo para darnos luz en un problema interesante. | You're just in time to throw some light on an interesting problem. |
interesting | Tus amigos forman un grupo interesante de personas. | It's an interesting group of people your friends are. |
interesting | Bueno, es un proyecto sumamente interesante. | Well, it was a most... interesting project. |
cool | Es como un interesante, intimidante apodo. | It's kind of a cool, intimidating nickname. |
interesting | Ese libro es muy interesante. | This book is very interesting. |