Italian | Bueno, empezaré en el mercado italiano. | Well, I'll start at the Italian market. |
Italian | Recordé los comentarios del psiquiatra italiano Amarro Fiamberti. | I recalled the observations of the Italian psychiatrist Amarro Fiamberti. |
Italian | Es un italiano clásico de Zeno's. | That's a Classic Italian from Zeno's. |
Italian | Podría aprender italiano para adelantarme a la competencia. | If there is, I can get a jump on the competition by learning Italian. |
Italian | Tengo que resolver un pequeño asunto italiano. | I got a little Italian situation I have to take care of. |
Italian | Es de... nylon italiano importado. | Well, this is, like... imported Italian nylon. |
Italian | Charlotte pide disculpas, no habla italiano. | Charlotte is sorry, she does not speak Italian. |
Italian | Cree ser italiano desde que llegamos. | But he seems to think that he's Italian since we got here. |
Italian | Para un italiano es muy importante. | To an Italian, it's very important. |
Italian | Cogeremos algunos en el mercado italiano. | We'll pick some up at the Italian market. |
Italian | Tiene papeles todos provistos por su amigo italiano. | She's got papers all provided by her Italian friend. |
Italian | Hace más de un siglo un astrónomo italiano, Giovanni Schiaparelli... | Over a century ago, an Italian astronomer, Giovanni Schiaparelli, began to chart the dark and light regions of Mars. |
Italian | Vamos a semental italiano De la galería abajo. | Let's get the Italian stallion from the gallery downstairs. |
Italian | Ahí es donde tienen al italiano. | That's where they've got the Italian. |
Italian | Y también eres un italiano apuesto. | And you're a good-looking Italian singer too. |
Italian | Es como un nombre italiano clásico. | That's like an old classic Italian name. |
Italian | Estás en política, hablas italiano. | You know about politics and you speak Italian. |
Italian | Hay un nuevo restaurante italiano que quiero conocer. | There's a new Italian restaurant I've been meaning to try. |
Italian | El gobierno italiano ha rendido a sus fuerzas armadas incondicionalmente. | (Eisenhower) The Italian government has surrendered its armed forces unconditionally. |
Italian | Es una pintura del maestro italiano Girolamo Parmigianino. | It is a painting by the Italian master Girolamo Parmigianino. |
Italian | Me gusta el arte italiano del siglo XV. Tiziano fue un célebre pintor italiano del Renacimiento. | I like fifteenth-century Italian Art. Titian was a famous Italian Renaissance painter. |
Italian | En su viaje por Europa, Carmen se enamoró de un italiano. | Carmen fell in love with an Italian on her trip to Europe. |
Italian | El italiano es el idioma oficial de Italia. | Italian is the official language of Italy. |