shoulder | Me destrocé el hombro lanzando cuando estudiaba aquí. | I blew my shoulder out pitching when I was a student here. |
shoulder | Trauma vehicular directo, hombro derecho, estabilizado. | Vehicular blunt trauma, right shoulder stabilized in the field. |
shoulder | Recibió un disparo en el hombro. | He received a bullet wound in the shoulder. |
shoulder | Quieres llorar en mi hombro, suéltalo. | You want to cry on my shoulder, let it out. |
shoulder | Esta maldita roca ha atravesado mi hombro. | This bloody rock has gone right through my shoulder. |
shoulder | Se está extendiendo a tu hombro. | My arm? It's spreading all the way up to your shoulder. |
shoulder | Asegúrate de tenerlo firme contra tu hombro. | Make sure you keep it steady against your shoulder. |
shoulder | Llevé el águila al hombro durante 18 años. | I wore that eagle on my right shoulder for 1 8 years. |
shoulder | Le quitaron un crecimiento anormal del hombro. | She had an abnormal growth removed from her shoulder. |
shoulder | Eleven el hombro izquierdo para verlo mejor. | Lift her left shoulder so we can get a better look. |
shoulder | Carol, tengo que mirarte el hombro. | Now listen. I've got to look at your shoulder. |
shoulder | En su hombro, parece crecer. | On your shoulder; it seems to be getting bigger. |
shoulder | Tocar tu hombro en cinco segundos. | He's going to touch your shoulder in five seconds. |
shoulder | Serás un hombro donde todos llorarán. | You'll be everyone's shoulder to cry on. |
shoulder | Tráeme tu hombro izquierdo un poquito. | Bring your left shoulder to me just a little bit. |
shoulder | Al salir, el hombro estaba soldado. | When I pulled out, it was fused at the shoulder. |
shoulder | Bien, necesito alcanzar su hombro. | Right, I need to get to his shoulder. |
side | No si combatimos hombro a hombro. | Not if we stand side by side. |
elbow | Además tiene un hombro dislocado y pulso débil. | She's also got a bad elbow dislocation and a weak pulse. |
shoulder | El jugador tiene el hombro lesionado, no puede lanzar la pelota en el juego. | The player has an injured shoulder so he can't throw the ball during the match. |
shoulder | Llevaba un adorno bordado en el hombro. | It had an embroidered pattern on the shoulder. |