simply | Debemos simplemente mejorarla, no finalizarla. | We simply need to mend it, not end it. |
simply | No podemos simplemente abandonar esos compromisos y obligaciones. | We cannot now simply walk away from those commitments and obligations. |
simply | Numerosos colegas han sido asesinados simplemente por sus actividades sindicales. | Numerous colleagues had been murdered simply because of their trade union activities. |
simply | No me importa, simplemente mirando. | I don't mind simply looking at it. |
just | Creo que tu novia está simplemente avergonzada. | Well, I think your girlfriend's just embarrassed. |
just | Cuando me pongo así, simplemente... | When I get like that, I just... |
just | Somos viejos amigos, simplemente pregúntale. | We're old friends, just ask him. |
just | No podemos simplemente dejarte ir sin saber... | We can't just let you go without knowing... |
just | Y usted simplemente le dejó marcharse. | And you just let him walk out of here. |
just | Aunque simplemente asumieron llevarnos con ellos. | Though they just assume, take us with them. |
just | No fue planeado, simplemente pasó. | It wasn't planned, it just happened. |
just | No, simplemente mantenemos nuestra relación discretamente. | No, we just like to keep our relationship quiet. |
just | No atravesó todo esto simplemente para matarla. | He didn't go through all this trouble just to kill her. |
just | O simplemente podrías buscarme un psiquiatra. | Or you could just find me a shrink too. |
just | No estoy simplemente defendiendo una moratoria temporal. | I'm not just advocating for a temporary moratorium. |
just | Ellos simplemente son muy buenos escondiéndose. | They're just very good at hiding themselves. |
just | Ahora pueden simplemente acercarse hasta la fachada. | Now they can just walk up to the facade. |
merely | Dichos principios simplemente establecerían parámetros que deben respetarse. | Such principles would merely set out the parameters that should be met. |
merely | Queremos avanzar y no simplemente luchar para mantener los logros conquistados. | We want to move forward rather than merely struggle to hold the line on prior gains. |
simply | No estoy enojada, simplemente no me gusta tu actitud. | I'm not annoyed, I simply don't like your attitude. |