law | El proyecto de enmienda de la ley electoral elaborado. | The draft amendment to the electoral law was rejected by Parliament in August/September 2006. |
law | Actualmente se está redactando una ley de seguridad cibernética. | Currently, the process of drafting a law on cyber security is under way. |
law | Sigue estudiándose la posibilidad de promulgar esta ley. | The possibility of promulgating such a law continues to be studied. |
law | Las disposiciones tendrán fuerza de ley. | The rules formulated would have the force of law. |
law | Cualquier otro asunto establecido por la ley. | (d) Any other matters as may be prescribed by law. |
law | Existe la ley sin discriminación para los beneficiarios. | (d) The law exists, with no discrimination among beneficiaries. |
law | Todo sindicato actuará de conformidad con la ley. | Every trade union shall act in compliance with the law. |
law | Esa ley también establece otras prestaciones para esos discapacitados. | The present law also provides for other facilities for the invalids. |
law | Todo ello suscita discriminaciones prohibidas por la ley. | The whole system engendered discrimination, which is prohibited by law. |
law | La ley también sanciona todo intento al respecto. | Any attempt in this regard is also punishable by the same law. |
law | Una ley específica establece los procedimientos y criterios pertinentes. | Under the Constitution, a specific law establishes the procedures and criteria to that effect. |
law | La nueva ley satisface esta primera exigencia. | The new law meets the first of these requirements. |
law | Imparcialmente y respetando totalmente la estructura de la ley. | Impartially and in full accordance to the strictures of the law. |
law | Hasta ahora hemos respetado la ley. | We've done everything according to law up to now. |
law | Si habla va contra la ley. | We know it's against the law for you to say anything. |
bill | La IAL apoyó públicamente la ley. | CWI has publicly backed the bill, Remy. |
bill | Cuéntame los detalles de tu ley. | Walk me through the specifics of your bill. |
law | En el país existe una ley que prohíbe el trabajo de menores de edad. | There's a law in this country that prohibits minors from working. |
law | Los funcionarios públicos deben actuar conforme a la ley. | Public officials must act in accordance with the law. |
law | Las películas de vaqueros son violentas, sus personajes se rigen por la ley del Oeste. | Cowboy movies are violent; their characters are governed by the law of the West. |
outside the law | Es una red criminal que opera al margen de la ley. | It is a criminal network that operates outside the law. |
protected under the law, protected by law | El nuevo plan del gobierno está amparado por la ley. | The new government plan is protected under the law (or: protected by law). |
enforce the current law | Debemos aplicar la ley en vigencia y no permitir más atropellos. | We must enforce the current law and not allow any more abuses. |
apply the full weight of the law | Cuando por fin lo agarraron, le aplicaron todo el peso de la ley. | When at last they got him, they applied the full weight of the law. |
apply a law, enforce a law | Los funcionarios deben asegurarse de aplicar una ley correspondiente según el caso. | Employees should make sure they apply the appropriate law according to the case. |
article of a law | La nueva normativa viola uno de los artículos de la ley. | The new regulation violates one of the articles of the law. |
correctly, properly | No pienso fugarme con mi novio, me voy a casar con todas las de la ley. | I will not elope with my fiancé; I am going to get married correctly (or: properly) |
the path of least resistance | La cultura del mínimo esfuerzo ha creado un país de conformistas. | A culture of minimal effort has bred a nation of conformists. |
follow the law, obey the law | La empresa cumple la ley. | The company follows the law. |
of the law | Martín es un hombre de ley. | Martin is a man of the law. |
decree-law | El Ejecutivo anunció hoy un nuevo decreto ley que prohíbe la venta y el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas por un mes. | The government issued a new decree-law today banning the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages for a month. |
laws are made to be broken | Cuando instalaron radares en esta carretera, algunos conductores cubrieron las matrículas de sus autos con cartones: hecha la ley hecha la trampa. | When speed cameras were installed on this road, some drivers covered their license plates with cardboard: laws are made to be broken. |
the law is on our side | La ley nos asiste, no vamos a tener problemas. | The law is on our side; we won't have any problems. |
law of incorporated companies | La ley de sociedades anónimas determina los requisitos para crear una sociedad. | The law of incorporated companies sets the requirements to create a company. |
fact of life | Hay problemas que son difíciles de superar, es una ley de vida. | There are problems that are difficult to overcome. It's a fact of life. |
path of least resistance, line of least resistance | Mi hermano maneja su vida con la ley del mínimo esfuerzo, ¡nunca hace nada! | My brother leads his life by the path of least resistance. He never does anything! |
constitutional law | Un estado de derecho se rige por la ley orgánica. | The rule of law is maintained by constitutional law. |
prohibition | Estados Unidos estableció la ley seca en los años 20. | The United States established prohibition in the twenties. |
hallmark | La marca de ley del anillo indica la proporción de los metales en la aleación. | The hallmark of the ring indicates the proportion of the metals in the alloy. |
enact a law | El congreso promulgó una ley de emergencia económica. | Congress enacted a law of economic emergency. |
bill | Ya terminaron el proyecto de ley pero no la han hecho público. | Yesterday, the senate passed a sweeping spending bill. |