luck | Veamos qué tipo de suerte tenemos. | Let's see what kind of luck we have. |
luck | Presiento que tu suerte está por cambiar. | I feel that your luck is about to change. |
luck | Los detectives no tuvieron suerte interrogándolo. | Your detective friends didn't have much luck questioning him. |
luck | Quizás tendrá más suerte con este tipo Connolly. | Maybe you'll have more luck with this Connolly fellow. |
luck | Deseenme suerte, el congresista saldrá del edificio. | Wish me luck, the one congress member will leave the building. |
luck | Quizás tenga suerte en su alojamiento. | You might have better luck at his lodgings. |
luck | Te estaré deseando suerte, Jethro. | I'll be wishing you luck, Jethro. |
luck | Déjame ver si tengo mejor suerte. | Let me see if I have any better luck. |
luck | No tuve suerte buscando nuevos clientes ni fondos. | I didn't have any luck trying to find new clients or fund-raising. |
luck | Parece que este empujó su suerte demasiado lejos. | Seems like this one just pushed his luck a little too far. |
luck | Danos suerte, William Floyd Collins. | Bring us some luck, William Floyd Collins. |
luck | Te deseo más suerte que Lancelot. | I wish you more luck than Lancelot has. |
luck | Ustedes señoras van a cambiar mi suerte. | You two ladies are going to change my luck. |
luck | Esperemos tener mejor suerte que Max. | Let us hope to have well luck that Max. |
luck | Teniendo inteligencia no hace falta la suerte. | If you've got intelligence, you don't need luck. |
luck | Deséame suerte, suerte de pescador. | Wish me luck. Fisherman's luck. |
luck | Cuando tienes suerte, tienes suerte. | When you're in luck, you're in luck. |
fate | Algunas iglesias y mezquitas habían corrido la misma suerte. | A number of churches and mosques had undergone a similar fate. |
fate | Salvar al mundo de una suerte atroz. | You and I have been given a save this world from a dreadful fate. |
fate | Confío su suerte a su antojo. | I entrust their fate to your gracious whim. |
destiny, fate | La suerte quiso que te conociera aquella noche. | Fate had it that I would meet you that night. |
fortune, luck | Carlos acudió a una bruja para mejorar su suerte. | Carlos went to a witch to turn around his fortune (or: luck). |
lucky | Juan tuvo la suerte de ganar un millón de euros. | Juan was lucky to win a million euros. |
desert | El pirata abandonó a los pescadores a su suerte en la isla desierta. | The pirate deserted the fishermen on an island. |
with any luck | Con suerte, llegaremos a nuestro destino antes que oscurezca. | With any luck, we will arrive at our destination before it gets dark. |
be in luck | Ese día los ladrones estaban de suerte y se salvaron de que los atraparan. | That day, the thieves were in luck and avoided capture. |
stroke of luck | Juan tuvo un golpe de suerte cuando se encontró ese maletín con dinero. | Juan had a stroke of luck when he found that briefcase of money. |
the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence | Mi secretaria se sacó la lotería y ahora es millonaria. Está visto que la suerte de la fea la bonita la desea. | My secretary bought a lottery ticket and is now a millionaire. It's clear that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. |
the die is cast | La suerte está echada, veremos quién gana la apuesta. | The die is cast. We'll see who wins the bet. |
bad luck | Qué mala suerte que perdieras el boleto ganador de la rifa. | What bad luck that you lost the winning raffle ticket. |
rotten luck, wretched luck | ¡Perra suerte la mía!; todo me sale mal. | What rotten luck! Everything is going wrong for me. |
luckily, fortunately | Diego olvidó sus llaves en la oficina; por suerte, su mujer ya estaba en casa. | Diego forgot his keys at the office. Luckily, his wife was already home. |
for better or worse | Por suerte o desgracia, las cosas son así y no podemos cambiarlas. | For better or worse, that's the way things are and we can't change them. |
try your luck | Carlos probó suerte jugando a la lotería. | Carlos tried his luck playing the lottery. |
good luck! | Que tengas suerte en esta nueva etapa, Pablo. | Good luck in this new phase, Pablo. |
with any luck | Si hay suerte, el fin de semana no llueve y nos vamos a la playa. | With any luck it won't rain this weekend and we can go to the beach. |
tempt fate | Pablo tentó a la suerte con ese negocio. | Pablo tempted fate with that business. |
try your luck | Decidió tentar la suerte y compró un billete de lotería. | He decided to try his luck and he bought a lottery ticket. |
tempt fate | Tentó la suerte al cruzar la calle con el semáforo en rojo. | He tempted fate by crossing against a red light. |
be the lucky winner of [sth] | En la rifa, el coche nuevo le tocó en suerte a Juan. | Juan was the lucky winner of the new car from the raffle. |
aren't we lucky | ¡Vaya suerte la nuestra! Tenía que llover. | Aren't we lucky! It had to rain. |