
Thought Pensamiento Thinking De El Mind Es Cada

Index 724
Question pensamiento
Question sentences
Quizás tengo un pensamiento cada mil años de ustedes.
Confieso que ese pensamiento me espanta.
Answer thought; thinking; mind
Answer sentences and translations
thoughtQuizás tengo un pensamiento cada mil años de ustedes.'I think a thought. perhaps. in every thousand of your years.
thoughtConfieso que ese pensamiento me espanta.The thought scares me, I must admit.
thoughtPronto, ese pensamiento lo acosaba constantemente incluso estando despierto."Soon the thought was plaguing him constantly," even when he was awake.
thoughtCasi compartimos un crimen de pensamiento.For a moment we came here to thought crime, together.
thoughtEl pensamiento también estimula mi imaginación.The thought does stimulate my imagination, too.
thoughtCada pensamiento arde en una gran llama.Every thought is burnt up in a great flame.
thoughtHe estado pensando mucho de pensamiento.I've been giving this a lot of thought.
thoughtIntentaste controlar cada pensamiento que tuviera.You tried to control every single thought she had.
thoughtEl universo responde a ese pensamiento.The Universe is responding completely to your thought.
thoughtPero imaginen poder comunicar pensamiento y sentimiento sin palabras.Yet imagine being able to communicate thought and feeling without words.
thoughtSabes, fue un pensamiento pasajero.You know, it was just a passing thought.
thoughtEs un pensamiento aterrador si lo considera.That is a very scary thought if you can consider it.
thoughtUn humilde cartero debe animarse con este pensamiento.A lowly postman might be encouraged by such a thought.
thoughtCreo que es un pensamiento noble.I think that's a very noble thought.
thinkingHay una diferencia entre el pensamiento y saberlo.There's a difference between thinking it and knowing it.
thinkingEn Sloane-Curtis, nos orgullecemos de nuestro pensamiento estratégico.At Sloane-Curtis, we've prided ourselves on our strategic thinking.
thinkingFuncionarios gubernamentales insistieron en que era necesario desarrollar un pensamiento común.Government officials stressed that there is a need for a common way of thinking to be developed.
thinkingHasta ahí me lleva mi pensamiento.That's as far as my thinking takes me.
mindHe aprendido a leerte el pensamiento.I've learned to read your mind, too.
mindEs increíble cómo consigue leerme el pensamiento.Mrs. Fletcher, it's amazing the way you read my mind.
thought, thinkingEl pensamiento es una cualidad de los humanos.Thought is a quality of humans.
dreamMi pensamiento eres tú, mi amor.You are my dream, my love.
school of thoughtEl racionalismo es parte de la corriente de pensamiento iluminista.Rationalism is part of the enlightenment school of thought.

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