magazine | Edita la revista El Ingeniero Sirio. | It issues a magazine called The Syrian Engineer. |
magazine | Recogí tu revista en el aeropuerto. | I picked up your magazine at the airport. |
magazine | Discúlpame por golpearte la nariz con una revista enrollada. | I'm sorry that I swatted you on the nose with a rolled-up magazine. |
magazine | Estábamos leyendo esto en una revista... | We were reading this thing in a magazine... |
magazine | Un año aquí y vas a cualquier revista. | Work a year for her and you can get a job at any magazine you want. |
magazine | Lei algo tuyo en una revista. | I read something of yours in a magazine. |
magazine | Qué espléndido, admiro su revista. | I'm a great admirer of your magazine, Mr. Connor. |
magazine | Las fotos aparecerán en la revista Look. | We've got this picture spread set up for Look magazine. |
magazine | Escribo un artículo turístico para una revista. | I'm writing a travel article for a magazine. |
magazine | Y sería entregarle la revista a ella. | And that'd be like handing the magazine over to her. |
magazine | Solo está sentada ahí leyendo una revista. | She's just sitting in there reading a magazine. |
magazine | Ella escribía principalmente para una revista de mujeres... | She's written a lot primarily for a woman's magazine... |
magazine | Quítate esos audífonos y dame esa sucia revista. | Take off that headset and give me that filthy magazine. |
magazine | Bueno, su revista aun suscribo. | Well, his magazine I still subscribe to. |
magazine | No eras así en la revista literaria. | You were not like this at the literary magazine. |
journal | La revista es editada por D.E.Wildman. | The journal is edited by D.E. Wildman. |
journal | Teologíaconstructivoes también el título de una revista sobre el tema. | Constructive Theology is also the title of a journal on the subject. |
review | Durante una revista imperial recibió el primer premio. | Who won the first prize at the Emperor's review of troops. |
review | Parece un lacayo en una revista musical. | He looks like a footman in a musical review. |
magazine | El actor demandó al editor de la revista de cotilleo por difamación. | The actor sued the editor of the gossip magazine for libel. |
inspect the troops | El director pasa revista en el despacho por las mañanas. | The director inspects the troops in the office in the mornings. |
inspect the troops | El general pasó revista a sus soldados. | Each day the sergeant inspects the troops. |
look over | Pasaremos revista a los últimos acontecimientos deportivos. | We looked over the latest sporting events. |
online magazine, e-magazine | María escribe para una revista digital. | Maria writes for an online magazine. |