bad | Trataremos el mal con otro mal. | Treat the bad influence with another bad influence. |
bad | Todo huele mal aquí Yo huelo mal. | Everyone has bad smell here. I myself have bad smell. |
bad | Está mal que te sientas mal. | It's wrong for you to feel bad. |
bad | Si luces mal, mi concesionaria luce mal. | You look bad, my dealership looks bad. |
bad | Sonaba mal; algo va mal. | She sounds bad; something is wrong. |
bad | Si lo haces todo mal te sentirás mal. | If you do everything wrong, you'll feel bad. |
bad | Cuando una persona hace algo mal, frecuente-mente se siente mal por dentro. | When a person does something wrong, they often feel bad inside. |
bad | Algunas personas pueden experimentar mal aliento o mal gusto recurrentes aún cuando la enfermedad no esté avanzada. | Some people may experience recurring bad breath or a bad taste in their mouth, even if the disease is not advanced. |
bad | "Límpialo de nuevo, límpialo de nuevo, mal, mal, mal, mal, mal". | Clean it again, clean it again. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. |
wrong | Camino mal, reverencio mal, hablo mal. | I walk wrong, I curtsy wrong, I talk wrong. |
wrong | Estaría mal... total y absolutamente mal. | That would be wrong... totally and completely wrong. |
wrong | Está mal que te sientas mal. | It's wrong for you to feel bad. |
wrong | Sonaba mal; algo va mal. | She sounds bad; something is wrong. |
wrong | Si lo haces todo mal te sentirás mal. | If you do everything wrong, you'll feel bad. |
wrong | No solo están mal nuestras prioridades presupuestarias, también el sistema está mal. | It is not just that our budgetary priorities are wrong, the system is also wrong. |
wrong | Todo lo que podía salir mal salió mal. | Everything that could go wrong did. |
wrong | Cuando una persona hace algo mal, frecuente-mente se siente mal por dentro. | When a person does something wrong, they often feel bad inside. |
wrong | La talla mal, el color mal, solo mal, mal, mal. | Wrong size, wrong color, just wrong, wrong, wrong. |
wrong | Está mal, está mal, está muy mal. | It's wrong, it's wrong, it's so wrong. |
wrong | Está mal, está mal, está mal. | It's wrong, it's wrong, it's so wrong. |
evil | Resistirse al mal sólo causa más mal. | Resistance to evil only leads to more evil. |
evil | Pero en estos tiempos, otro tipo de mal debe combatir el mal. | But in times like these, well, it should be fought by another kind of evil. |
evil | Pareciera que el mal está superando al mal. | It seems that evil is overriding to the evil. |
evil | Cuando surge el mal A veces el mal persigue al guerrero. | When evil appears Sometimes evil pursues the warrior. |
bad | Tuve un mal día. | I had a bad day. |
badly | Anoche dormí mal. | I slept badly last night. |
badly, wrong | Estás haciendo el ejercicio mal. | You are doing that exercise wrong. |
let's get it over with, let's get this over with | Quiero terminar este trabajo repetitivo cuanto antes: al mal paso darle prisa. | I want to finish this repetitive project as soon as possible: let's get it over with. |
keep a stiff upper lip, keep your chin up | Cuando mi padre enfermó, nunca perdió su optimismo y repetía constantemente: «al mal tiempo buena cara». | When my father fell ill he never lost his optimism and constantly repeated "keep your chin up". |
be in bad shape | Anda mal desde que lo echaron del trabajo. | She's been in bad shape since she got the sack. |
not think straight, not have your head on straight | Agustín quiere renunciar a su trabajo, creo que anda mal de la cabeza. | Agustín wants to leave his job. He's not thinking straight (or: He doesn't have his head on straight). |
keep from evil, protect from evil | Necesitamos apartar el mal de nuestra comunidad. | We need to protect our community from evil. |
root out evil | Sólo corriéndolo van a poder arrancar el mal de raíz. | Only by going after it will they be able to root out evil. |
badly handled matter, poorly handled matter | La financiación de la empresa fue un asunto mal llevado y debemos solucionarlo. | The financing of the business was a badly (or: poorly) handled matter and we need to deal with it. |
don't be ungrateful | Ganó el segundo premio y se queja, aun con tanta ganancia mal contento. | Don't be ungrateful! You're lucky getting what you were given. |
bearer of bad news | Matías es un ave de mal agüero, siempre que lo veo entrar tengo miedo de lo que va a decir. | Matías is a bearer of bad news. Whenever I see him come in I'm afraid of what he will say. |
not like | El niño del vecino me cae mal: no quiero que venga a casa. | I don't like the neighbor's boy: I don't want him coming to my house. |
dislike each other | Tomás y yo nos caímos mal desde el primer día. | Thomas and I disliked each other from day one. |
misbehave | Antes de salir, la dirección advirtió que castigaría a los alumnos que se comportaran mal en la visita al museo. | Before leaving, the administration stated that they would punish any students who misbehaved during the visit to the museum. |
have ants in your pants | Juan no para en ninguna parte, es un culo de mal asiento. | Juan is always on the go, he's got ants in his pants. |
be bad at [sth] | Como a Luis se le dan mal las matemáticas, su hermano siempre lo ayuda con las tareas. | Because Luis is bad at maths, his brother always helps him with his homework. |
be bad at [sth] | Se me dan mal las matemáticas. | I am bad at mathematics. |
bad omen | Fue una predicción de mal agüero, pero esperemos que no suceda. | The appearance of the black cat was a bad omen. |
from bad to worse | La economía va de mal en peor. | The economy is going from bad to worse. |
in bad taste, in poor taste | La decoración de la casa es de mal gusto. | The house is decorated in bad taste. |
crass, vulgar | Juan siempre hace chistes de mal gusto. | Juan always tells crass jokes. |
put [sb] down | Con ese comentario, Pablo lo dejó mal parado a Pedro. | With that comment, Pablo put down Pedro. |
wish [sb] harm, wish harm on [sb] | Juan les desea el mal a todas sus novias anteriores. | You can trust him; he doesn't wish you any harm. |
tell the difference between right and wrong, know the difference between right and wrong | Los niños pequeños no pueden distinguir entre el bien y el mal. | Small children can't tell the difference between right and wrong. |
have a bad [+ body part] | Estoy mal del hígado; tengo hepatitis. La paciente está mal de los riñones. | I wanted to play basketball, but I have a bad knee. |
be low on [sth] | En estos momentos no podemos comprar otro auto porque estamos mal de plata. | At the moment we can't buy a new car because we're low on funds. |
be nutty, be loopy | Creo que mi vecina está mal de la cabeza: siempre que me ve, me dice su nombre como si no me conociera. | I think my neighbor is loopy: every time she sees me she tells me her name, as if we had never met. |
speak badly of | Ten cuidado con Ana porque habla mal a tus espaldas. | Be careful of Ana, because she'll speak badly of you behind your back. |
do wrong | Pedro hizo mal en el pasado y ahora está pagando las consecuencias de sus actos. | Pedro did wrong in the past and now he's paying the consequences of his actions. |
be wrong to do [sth] | Hiciste mal al mentir para evitar un castigo. Hiciste mal en renunciar al trabajo; será difícil que encuentres otro. | It was wrong of you to lie to avoid punishment. |
harm [sb] | No le hagas mal a Sara que ella es muy buena persona. Este viento helado podría hacerle mal al bebé. | Don't harm Sara because she is a good person. |
intrude | Vayan ustedes al cine y yo me quedo acá: no quiero hacerles mal tercio. | You should all go to the cinema. I'll stay here. I don't want to intrude. |
go from bad to worse | La situación financiera de la empresa va de mal en peor. | The company's financial situation is going from bad to worse. |
go badly, go poorly | A Carlos le fue mal en la entrevista. | The interview went badly (or: went poorly) for Carlos. |
be in a mess | A la empresa le va mal este año. | The company is in a mess this year. |
scrape by | La familia va mal viviendo desde hace meses. | The family have been scraping by for months. |
go down the wrong path | Ese adolescente va por mal camino: si sus padres no hacen algo al respecto, tendrá un mal futuro. | That teenager has gone down the wrong path: if her parents don't do anything about it, she'll have a bleak future. |
go through a rough patch, go through a hard time | A la empresa le va mal desde el cambio de dueños. | The company has been going through a rough patch since the change of owners. |
go badly for [sb], go poorly for [sb] | A Juan le va mal desde que se separó. | Things have been going badly for Juan since his separation. |
not get along, not get on | Juan y Pablo se llevan mal y siempre se pelean. | Juan and Pablo don't get along and are always fighting. |
bad breath | No quiero besar a Pedro porque tiene mal aliento. | I don't want to kiss Pedro because he has bad breath. |
bad friend | ¿Te tomas una cerveza y te vas? ¡Mal amigo! Ana se dejó engatusar por una mala amiga. | You have one beer and then you leave already? You're a bad friend! Ana was tricked by a bad friend. |
nasty piece of work | Es un mal bicho; no te fíes de él. | He is a nasty piece of work; don't trust him. |
spoiled | Pepito es un muchacho mal criado. | Pepito is a spoiled boy. |
altitude sickness | Los que suben a los Andes deben tener cuidado con el mal de altura. | Those who climb the Andes should be careful with altitude sickness. |
be lovesick | María anda con mal de amores y llora todo el día. | Maria is lovesick and cries all day. |
hard up | La familia está mal de dinero y no puede pagar las cuentas. | The family is hard up and can't pay the bills. |
run in the family | Al igual que su madre, Ana siempre llega tarde: ser impuntual es mal de familia. | Just like her mother, Ana's always late - it runs in the family. |
evil eye | Le echaron el mal de ojo y se enfermó. | They cast the evil eye on him and he became ill. |
temper | El mal genio del jefe es insoportable: hoy hizo llorar a dos empleados. | The boss' temper is unbearable. Today he made two employees cry. |
bad taste | Mariana tiene muy mal gusto para vestirse. | Mariana has very bad taste in clothes. |
lesser of two evils | Entre dos males, hay que escoger el mal menor. | Between two evils, you have to choose the lesser of the two evils. |
lesser evil | Nadie resultó herido; el golpe en el coche es un mal menor. | I don't like the other candidate either, but I suppose this one is a lesser evil. |
necessary evil | Algunos dicen que la guerra es un mal necesario. | Some say that war is a necessary evil. |
badly paid, poorly paid | Pablo tiene un empleo mal pagado. | Pablo has a badly paid job. |
somehow or other | Mal que bien, llegamos a fin de mes. | Somehow or other, we made it to the end of the month. |
you look unwell | Qué mal te veo Jorge, ¿qué te pasa? | You look unwell Jorge. What's wrong? |
hard time, rough patch | La enfermedad de mi padre fue un mal trago para toda la familia, pero ya vendrán mejores tiempos. | My father's illness was a hard time for the whole family, but better times are ahead. |
rather poorly | No sabe rico, más bien mal. | It doesn't taste good, but rather poorly. |
it's a good thing | Menos mal que llegamos a tiempo. | It's a good thing we arrived on time. |
disapprove of | El profesor me mira mal. | The professor disapproves of me. |
hold [sb] in contempt | Es un antipático; mira mal a todo el mundo. | He's a nasty guy; he holds everyone in contempt. |