north | Tomaremos el extremo norte del edificio. | We'll take the north end of the building. |
north | Hacían giras por todo el norte de Inglaterra. | We'd just tour all around the north of England, really. |
north | Si fueras al norte te podría llevar. | I thought if you was heading north I might be able to help you out. |
north | Era octubre cuando viajábamos al norte. | It was October when we were traveling north. |
north | Necesitamos dirigirnos hacia la escalinata norte ahora. | We need to head for the north stairwell now. |
north | Un archipiélago al norte de la bahía. | Well, an archipelago a few kilometres north of the bay. |
north | El agua tratada viene del norte. | Treated water comes in from the north, breaks east-west. |
north | Neil, usted irá al norte conmigo. | Neill, you go north with me. Colonel Travis will be in command here. |
north | Podemos establecernos al norte del embarcadero. | We can set up just north across quay. |
north | Dos descarriados escaparon por la puerta norte. | We have two strays who slipped out the north gate. |
north | Creí que hoy buscaríamos al norte. | Well, I thought we'd try out the far north today. |
north | Todavía están virando hacia el norte. | They're still getting way up to the north. |
north | Repito, la pared norte despejada. | I repeat, the north wall is clear. |
north | Un periodista del norte fue atropellado anoche. | A journalist up north was in a hit and run last night. |
north | Pero tú vendrás al norte conmigo. | But you will be coming with me to the north. |
northern | Desplaza mis tropas hasta la cornisa norte. | I want you to advance my troops to the northern ridge. |
northern | Eventualmente, Longshanks enviará su ejército del norte. | You know... eventually, Longshanks will send his whole northern army against us. |
north | Sin una brújula, no sé ubicar el Norte. | I don't know how to find north without a compass. |
North | Mi padre viene del norte de España. | My father comes from the North of Spain. |
north | La fachada norte de la iglesia está decorada con flores. | The north facade of the church is adorned with flowers. |
albacore, longfinned tuna | El bonito del norte es abundante en zonas tropicales. | Longfinned tuna (or: albacore) is abundant in tropical areas. |
Northern Ireland | Escocia, Inglaterra, Irlanda del Norte y Gales forman el Reino Unido. | Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales make up the United Kingdom. |
North America | Norteamérica se divide políticamente en tres países soberanos e independientes: Canadá, Estados Unidos y México. | North America is politically divided in three sovereign and independent countries: Canada, the United States, and Mexico. |
lose your way, lose direction | Diego era un buen muchacho, pero tras la tragedia perdió el norte. | Diego was a good kid, but he lost his way after the tragedy. |