material | También contribuirá a elaborar y divulgar material educativo sobre derechos humanos. | It will also help to develop and disseminate educational material on human rights. |
material | Además, la Fiscalía sigue comunicando gran cantidad de material. | Furthermore, the Prosecution continues to disclose a voluminous quantity of material. |
material | Sugiere que toda confusión puede despejarse en el material explicativo. | He suggested that any confusion could be dispelled in the explanatory material. |
material | Consideran que la evaluación inicial del material reunido deberían realizarla expertos independientes. | They consider that the initial evaluation of the material compiled would need to be undertaken by independent experts. |
material | El material puede traducirse y difundirse fácilmente. | This material can easily be translated and made available. |
material | Es importante señalar ese razonamiento en todo material explicativo. | It was important that that rationale should be noted in any explanatory material. |
material | Cualquier vertido o material residual debe eliminarse por incineración. | Any spillage or waste material should be disposed of by incineration. |
material | Desapareció un camión con material radiactivo. | There's a truck carrying radioactive material that's gone missing. |
material | Esta sección no debe publicarse porque contiene material delicado. | This Section is not for publication as it contains sensitive material. |
material | No encontré ningún material sobre su marketing. | But I couldn't find any marketing material on you guys. |
material | Mucho material va a ese sitio. | A lot of material going into that site. |
material | Estuve revisando el material de inteligencia. | I was checking some material from the Inteligence. |
material | Sabíamos que trasteaban con material radiológico. | We knew they were sniffing around radiologic material. |
material | Primero tengo que conseguir material para mi libro. | Personally, I'm in this racket to get material for my book. |
material | Usaremos este material para construir casas prefabricadas. | We're using this material for building prefabricated houses. |
equipment | Llevamos una semana reparando el material. | I've spent a week fixing the equipment. |
equipment | Podemos conseguir todo tipo de material. | We can get our hands on all kinds of equipment. |
stuff | Ahora salgamos ahí y mostrémosles nuestro material. | Now let's get out there and show them our stuff. |
stuff | Aquí hay otra del mismo material. | Here's another one of the same stuff. |
stuff | Luego quiero enseñarte un material increíble. | I have some great stuff to show you later. |
material | El traje del rey fue confeccionado con el más fino material. | The king's suit was tailored using the finest material. |
equipment | Será necesario reponer el material de laboratorio: microscopios, probetas y matraces. | We will have to replace the laboratory equipment: microscopes, test tubes and flasks. |
material | Se presentaron los artículos robados como prueba material del delito. | The stolen items were presented as material evidence of the crime. |
loading of material | La carga del material debe hacerse con cuidado. | The loading of material should be done carefully. |
property damage, material damage | Afortunadamente, solo hubo daños materiales durante el terremoto. | Luckily only material damage was sustained in the earthquake. |
office supplies | Una cuarta parte de los gastos de la empresa corresponden a material de oficina. | Office supplies account for 25% of the company's expenses. |
instructional materials | La escuela compró libros y material didáctico. | The school bought books and instructional materials. |