matter | Sin importar cuántas vidas inocentes costara. | No matter how many innocent lives it cost in the process. |
matter | Deberían amarlo, sin importar qué. | Those who should have loved him... no matter what. |
matter | Saldremos bien, sin importar quién gane. | We'll come out all right, no matter who wins. |
matter | Entonces no debería importar que renuncie. | Then it shouldn't matter that I quit. |
matter | Sin importar lo que haga todo le decepciona. | No matter what I do, l- It's like I'm just disappointing to her. |
matter | Sin importar qué nos hagas, no desaparecerá. | Which means that no matter what you do to us, it's not going away. |
matter | Juré protegerte, sin importar las circunstancias. | I vowed to protect you no matter the circumstances. |
matter | Sin importar cuántas veces intentes robártelo... siempre pasa algo. | The one car no matter how many times you try to boost, something always happens. |
matter | Ustedes siempre van adelate sin importar nada. | And you guys always go along with us no matter what. |
matter | He prometido buscarlo sin importar dónde esté. | I promised to look for him no matter where he is. |
matter | Insuficiente o demasiado... no parece importar. | Not enough or too much... it doesn't seem to matter. |
matter | Ellos están siempre felices sin importar qué... | 'Cause those guys are just happy no matter what. |
matter | Ellos siguen trabajando sin importar qué. | They just keep workin', no matter what. |
matter | Debí operarla, sin importar nada. | No matter what. I should have operated. |
care | Sin importar cuáles sean los parámetros. | I don't care what the parameters are. |
care | Tráigalo, sin importar dónde esté. | Bring him in, I don't care where he is. |
matter | Lo que más me importa son mis hijos. | My children are what matter to me the most. |
be important | Cualquier pista hallada en el lugar del crimen importa. | Any clue found at the scene of the crime is important. |
import | No se puede importar tabaco de Tabaquistán a causa de la plaga tabaquera. | Tobacco cannot be imported from Tabaquistan because of the tobacco blight. |
import | Ahora importa la hoja de excel y ya está listo. | Now import the Excel file and you're good to go. |
stop mattering | Ese problema dejó de importar hace semanas. | This problem stopped mattering weeks ago. |
[sb] could not care less about | A Juan le importa un pito el calentamiento global. | Juan couldn't care less about global warming. |
could not care less | Me importa tres cojones que no te guste mi coche. | I could not care less that you don't like my car. |
not give a damn | Me importa un cuerno lo que diga o haga ese hombre. | I couldn't give a damn what he says or does. |
not give a hoot | Me importa un comino su opinión. Haré lo que yo quiera. | I don't give a hoot about your opinion. I'll do what I choose. |