question | El PRESIDENTE: Agradezco la pregunta. | The PRESIDENT: Thank you for the question. |
question | Había discrepancias entre las respuestas dadas a esa pregunta. | There was a disparity in the answers given to this question. |
question | Y tengo una pregunta para Megamind. | And I have just one question for, Megamind. |
question | Quería preguntarte algo... una pregunta rápida. | There's just one thing I wanted to ask you... just a quick question. |
question | Ni siquiera le hecho una pregunta. | And I haven't even asked you a question yet. |
question | Estoy obligado a hacerme esta pregunta. | I am forced to ask myself this question. |
question | Demonios, siempre tienes una pregunta más. | Hell, you always have just one more question. |
question | Hoy tu y yo responderemos mi pregunta. | Today you and I will give an answer to my question. |
question | Arcilla, déjame hacerte una pregunta. | Clay, let me ask you a question. |
question | Me preguntaba si podrías responderme esa pregunta. | I was wondering whether or not you might be able to answer that question. |
question | Supongo que no entiendo la pregunta. | I guess I don't understand the question. |
question | Buena pregunta, porque tenemos muchas opciones. | Good question, because we have so many options. |
question | Objeción... no escucho una pregunta. | Objection... I don't hear a question. |
question | Queda una pregunta que no has contestado. | There's still one question you haven't answered. |
question | Si todos ustedes pueden resolver cualquier pregunta. | If everyone in here meet any question - with a wall of silence. |
question | Haces una pregunta inofensiva, yo retrocedo. | When you ask an innocuous question, I'll just back off. |
question | Protestaré y le interrumpiré con cada pregunta inapropiada. | I will object and badger him on every inappropriate question. |
question | Sólo tengo una pregunta más para usted. | I just have one more question I'd like you to answer. |
question | Ésa es la pregunta frente al tribunal. | That's sort of the question before the court. |
question | Cuando llegue el profesor voy a hacerle una pregunta sobre la tarea. | When the teacher gets here, I'm going to ask him a question about the homework. |
question | La pregunta es ¿Quién va a responder por este desastre? | The question is, who is going to deal with this disaster? |
good question | –¿Platón superó a Aristóteles? –Es una buena pregunta. | Did Plato surpass Aristotle? That's a good question. |
rhetorical | No espero una respuesta: es una pregunta retórica. | I don't expect you to answer my question because it was rhetorical. |