member | Servir como miembro del Consejo conlleva responsabilidades importantes. | Serving as a member of the Council entails important responsibilities. |
member | El actual presidente es miembro del Consejo Ejecutivo. | The current incumbent is a member of the Executive Council. |
member | Esta noche velamos a nuestro fallecido miembro. | Tonight we have the wake for our departed member. |
member | Soy miembro fundador de este gimnasio. | I'm a founding member of this gym. |
member | Ningún miembro de la aristocracia hablaría así. | No true member of the aristocracy would speak such poison. |
member | Llegó el último miembro de este funeral. | The last member of our funeral party has arrived. |
member | Eres un miembro de la dinastía U-Thong. | You are a member of the dynasty of U-Thong. |
member | Quizás fue apuñalado por otro miembro de la hermandad. | So maybe he was stabbed by another member of the brotherhood. |
member | Y Gourmand será nombrado miembro honorario del Concejo. | And Gourmand will be appointed honorary member of the Council. |
member | La Sra. Souffran era miembro activo de una comunidad eclesiástica de base. | Mrs. Souffran was an active member of a grass-roots church group belonging to the "Ti Legliz movement", which is close to President Aristide. |
member | Sudáfrica sigue siendo miembro del FMI. | South Africa continues to be a member of IMF. |
member | Es el miembro más condecorado de su unidad. | Two: You're the most highly decorated member of your unit. |
member | Sé cómo conseguir al tercer miembro. | I know how to get our third member. |
member | Es miembro de una agrupación ilegal que realiza actividades clandestinas. | He is a member of an illegal group that engages in clandestine activities. |
member | Soy miembro orgulloso del Partido Paz y Libertad. | I myself am a proud member of the Peace and Freedom Party. |
member | Dígale que tengo información muy importante de un miembro destacado... | Please tell him that I have very important information from a high-ranking member... |
member | Soy Julius Berger, miembro del Consejo General. | I'm Julius Berger, member of the General Council. |
member | No es miembro de ninguna asociación política. | He is not a member of any political association. |
member | Suiza es miembro del OIEA desde 1957. | Switzerland has been a member of IAEA since 1957. |
member | El baterista fue miembro de una banda de rock y ahora se dedica al jazz. | The drummer was a member of a rock band and now he plays jazz. |
member | Tenía uno de sus miembros necrosados. | One of his members was necrotized. |
associate member | Para incorporarse a nuestra organización como miembro asociado debe llenar la solicitud de adhesión. | In order to join our organisation as an associate member you will need to fill out the accession request. |
polling supervisor | María fue miembro de mesa para las elecciones de 2006. | Mary was a polling supervisor for the 2006 elections. |
full member | El también catedrático fue acogido como miembro de número de la Academia hace un año. | The professor was also accepted as a full member of the Academy a year ago. |
founding member | Don Jenaro fue también miembro fundador de la Asociación Deportiva Juvenil. | Mr. Jenaro was also a founding member of the Youth Sports Association. |
honorary member | Don Alfonso López fue recibido como miembro honorario hace cuatro años. | Mr. Alfonso Lopez was accepted as an honorary member 4 years ago. |
male member | Llevaba un pantalón ceñido que marcaba su miembro viril. | He wore tight pants that indicated his male member. |