mention | Desearía mencionar algunas reacciones especialmente importantes de la comunidad internacional. | I would like to mention some especially important reactions of the international community. |
mention | Desearía mencionar unos cuantos y sugerir posibles soluciones. | I would like to mention a few of them and to suggest possible solutions. |
mention | Mi delegación quisiera mencionar algunos de ellos. | My delegation would like to mention some of them. |
mention | No les pareció oportuno mencionar estos órganos subsidiarios en la convención. | They did not consider it appropriate to mention such subsidiary bodies in the convention. |
mention | Pablo, no puedo mencionar tu restaurante. | Pablo, I can't just mention your restaurant. |
mention | De forma similar, quiero mencionar otras dos distinciones. | In a similar vein, I should like to mention two other distinctions. |
mention | Quisiera mencionar sólo algunas de ellas. | Allow me to mention just a few of them. |
mention | Bastaría mencionar en el comentario la protección diplomática. | It would be sufficient to mention diplomatic protection in the commentary. |
mention | No sé si debería mencionar esto. | Don't know if I should mention this. |
mention | No debería ni mencionar su existencia. | Otherwise, I shouldn't even mention its existence to you. |
mention | Pasaba por la habitación y oí mencionar Vase. | I was just passing the room and I heard them mention Vase. |
mention | No me alcanzaría el tiempo para mencionar a todos los que me apoyaron. | I wouldn't have enough time to mention everyone who has supported me. |