often | A menudo me he preguntado cómo estarías. | I've often wondered about you. (LAUGHS) And how you were. |
often | No sucede a menudo Aristóteles alguien para dibujar. | It does not happen often Aristotle, one to draw. |
often | Deberíamos llevarlo a Andrews más a menudo. | We ought get him out to Andrews more often. |
often | No tenemos demasiadas oportunidades a menudo. | We don't get the chance too often. |
often | Nos lastimamos profundamente y a menudo. | We hurt each other... often and deeply. |
often | A menudo tales planes se formulan aisladamente. | These plans are often developed in isolation from one another. |
often | La Oficial Sun viene a menudo... | Officer Sun comes in often - checks the read outs on my panel. |
often | Sus caminos no debían cruzarse muy a menudo. | It's not as if their paths were to cross very often. |
often | Últimamente me descubro disculpándome por otros bastante a menudo. | You know, I find myself apologizing for people pretty often these days. |
often | Deberíamos hacer esto más a menudo. | Marty: We ought to do this more often. |
often | Desearía estar contigo más a menudo pero lamento no poder hacerlo. | I wish I can be with you more often... I am sorry I am not dependable at a time like this. |
often | Antes solías... llamarme a menudo. | Before, you used to... call me often. |
often | Deberíamos salir así más a menudo. | We should hang out like this more often. |
thin, slight | Es un hombre menudo pero muy fuerte. | He's a slight man but he's strong. |
trivial | No te fijes en un detalle menudo, sino en el tono general. | Don't focus on a trivial detail, but on the overall tone. |
what a | ¡Menudo tonto! Otra vez olvidé las llaves. | What an idiot! I forgot the keys again. |
often | Voy a la piscina a menudo. | I go to the pool often. |
more often | Voy al doctor más a menudo de lo normal. | I go to the doctor more often than usual. |
What a bore! What a pain! | Menudo rollo esta clase, ¿y si nos vamos? | What a bore this class is, Shall we leave? |