wood | Es madera que contienen cuerpos fructíferos. | It's wood... that contains fruiting bodies. |
wood | Rojo ahí y madera hasta la entrada. | A wooden Way? Red there and wood until the entrance. |
wood | Lástima que no hay madera para quemarlos. | It's a pity there isn't enough wood to burn them all. |
wood | Porque puedo oler la madera quemada. | 'Cause I can smell the wood burning. |
wood | Por otro lado, necesitas madera. | This on the other hand, you need, wood. |
wood | Quedará muy impresionado... toco madera. | I think he'll be pretty impressed, knock on wood. |
wood | Supongo que parecen un poco como madera carbonizada. | I guess that does look a little like carbonized wood. |
wood | Piensen cuanta madera necesitan para todo eso. | Think how much wood they need for all that. |
wood | Me parece fantástico que pudiera conservar toda la madera original. | You know, I think it's great you've been able to stay with all the original wood. |
wood | Tiraremos cuanta madera podamos mientras el perro corra. | We'll throw as much wood as we can in the dog run. |
wood | Debe ser por la madera mojada. | I think this might be because the wood is wet. |
wood | Dale esta madera a mi madre. | Warder, give my mother this wood, her cell's freezing. |
wood | Puedes hacer que luzca grandioso lustrando la madera. | You can make it look great by cleaning the wood. |
wood | No dijiste nada sobre acarrear madera. | You didn't say nothing about hauling wood. |
wood | Piensa que tengo madera gratis del Todopoderoso. | He thinks I get wood for free from the Almighty one. |
wood | Apile esa madera y vuelva al trabajo. | Stack that wood down there, then get back to work. |
wood | Vamos, llevemos la madera al camión. | Come on, we'll take some of this wood back to the truck. |
timber | Mañana buscaremos madera para el bote. | Tomorrow we'll find timber for the boat. |
timber | Nos llevará semanas encontrar la madera. | It'll take us weeks to find the timber. |
hardwood | Debieses saber que hay madera bajo esta alfombra. | You should know that there's hardwood under this carpet. |
wood | La madera es una materia prima que se utiliza mucho en la industria. | Wood is a primary material that is used a lot in industry. |
wooden cask | Antes bebían de una bota de madera. | People used to drink from a wooden cask. |
boxwood | La madera de boj es muy bonita. | Boxwood is very beautiful. |
have the makings of, have what it takes to be | Esa joven actriz tiene madera de artista; llegará alto en el mundo del cine. | That young actress has the makings of an artist; she'll make it far in the film world. |
be made for, be cut out for | Martín tiene madera para los deportes. | Martin is made for (or: cut out for) sports. |
knock on wood | Por suerte este año no me he enfermado, toco madera. | Luckily this year I have not fallen ill, knock on wood. |