as long as | Quisiera recalcar que seguiremos apoyando esta labor mientras sea necesario. | I would like to stress one thing: We will continue to support this work as long as is needed. |
as long as | Continuaremos contribuyendo a ese esfuerzo regional mientras sea necesario. | We will continue to contribute to that regional effort as long as there is need. |
as long as | Bueno, mientras su negocio funcione. | Well... as long as his business is good. |
as long as | No mientras estemos fijados al lecho. | Not as long as we're pinned to the seabed. |
as long as | Seguirán viviendo mientras el regimiento viva. | They'll keep on living as long as the regiment lives. |
until | Está vivo mientras tenga dinero en los bolsillos. | He's alive until they have money in their pockets. |
during | Bilbo lo encontró mientras viajaba con los Enanos. | And so it was that Bilbo found it, during his travels with the Dwarves. |
so long as | Puedes seguir creyéndolo mientras siga escondida. | And so you can keep believing, so long as it stays hid. |
so long as | Te prometo que mientras no intentes darnos órdenes, nos llevaremos bien. | Joan I promise you, that so long as you don't try to give any commands, we shall all get along well. |
while | Soñando mientras duermes soñando mientras duermes recuerdos para mantener soñando mientras duermes. | Dreaming while you sleep dreaming while you sleep memories to keep dreaming while you sleep. |
while | Debería comprarte algo mientras estamos aquí. | You know, you should get something while we're here... |
while | Tuvimos momentos interesantes mientras se fueron. | We had an interesting time of it while you were gone. |
while | No quería molestarlos mientras estaban hablando. | I didn't want to disturb you while you were chatting. |
while | Debemos marchar contra Invernalia mientras podamos. | We have to march on Winterfell now while we still can. |
while | Entrégate mientras aún puedas... mientras aún estés viva. | Turn yourself in while you still can... while you're still alive. |
in the meantime | Lava tú los platos y, mientras, yo paseo al perro. | You wash the dishes and, in the meantime, I'll walk the dog. |