look | Hay que buscar, mirar dentro. | You have to search for it, look inside people. |
look | Puedes mirar atrás y ver cuánto salió. | You can look back here and see how much is coming out, all right. |
look | Llévatelo, así siempre podrás mirar atrás y recordarme. | Take it with you so you'll always have a way to look back and remember me. |
look | Podemos irnos y jamás mirar atrás. | We go now and we never look back. |
look | Necesito mirar dentro mío para encontrarme. | I need I look within myself to find. |
look | Yo prefiero no mirar, pero lo entiendo. | I don't want - I'd rather not look, but I get it. |
look at | Puedes comprarte una preciosa fotografía de algo que mirar. | You could buy yourself a very beautiful picture of something to look at. |
look at | Cariño, deberías mirar este modelo. | Darling, you should look at this model. |
look at | Necesitas mirar el panorama, Scotty. | You need to look at the big picture, Scotty. |
look at | Si quiere mirar, que sea ahora. | If you want a last look at home, you better take it now. |
look at | No puedes mirar todo, Virgilio. | You can't look at everything, Virgil. |
look at | De niño solía mirar fotos de Oxford. | When I was a kid, I used to look at photos of Oxford. |
look at | Déjeme mirar ese mapa preciado suyo. | So, let me have a look at that precious map of yours. |
look at | No estás para mirar al gobernador. | You're not to look at the governor. |
look at | Ni siquiera puedo mirar esta comida. | I can't even look at this food. |
look at | Harvey puede mirar su reloj y detenerlo. | Well, Harvey can look at your clock and stop it. |
watch | Doctora Stevens, puede... mirar. | Dr. Stevens, I guess you can... watch. |
watch | Probablemente fue obligado a mirar mientras lo desvisceraban. | He probably was forced to watch while he was disembowled. |
watch | No tendré que mirar tu búsqueda. | I won't have to watch your search. |
look | Mira estos cuadros y dinos cuál te parece más bonito. ¡Mírame cuando te hablo! | Look at these paintings and tell me which one you think is the nicest. |
look | El viejo miró hacia el horizonte mientras soltaba un suspiro. Mira antes de cruzar la calle. | The old man looked towards the horizon as he sighed. Look before crossing the street. |
look, face | Mi casa mira al sur. | My house looks (or: faces) south. |
make sure, see to it that | Mira que el niño coma bien. | Make sure (or: see to it) that the child eats well. |
look at, look through | Quiero que mires las facturas y me digas si están bien. | I want you to look at (or: through) the bills and tell me if they're correct. |
go window shopping | Paula fue a mirar escaparates el domingo. | Paula went window shopping on Sunday. |
look [sb] in the eyes | María miró a Juan a los ojos cuando le dijo que lo amaba. | Maria looked Juan in the eyes when she told him she loved him. |
look both ways before crossing, check both ways before crossing | La madre le enseñó a su hijo a mirar a ambos lados antes de cruzar la calle. | The mother taught her child to look both ways before crossing the road. |
stare into space | Martín se quedó tumbado mirando a las musarañas hasta que Paloma lo hizo volver a la realidad. | Martin lay there staring into space until Paloma brought him back down to earth. |
look towards the future, look to the future, think ahead | Debemos mirar al futuro y planear a largo plazo. | We should look towards the future and plan long-term. |
stare off into space | Pedro miraba al vacío, perdido en sus pensamientos. | Pedro was staring off into space, lost in his thoughts. |
look upon [sb] favourably, look on [sth] favourably | El jefe miró con buenos ojos el trabajo de sus empleados. | The boss looked upon the work of his employees favorably. |
look at fondly, look at lovingly, look at affectionately | El niño miraba con cariño el frasco de galletas. | The boy looked fondly at the cookie jar. |
look up and down | ¿Por qué me miras de arriba a abajo? | Why do you look me up and down? |
look at [sb] squarely, look [sb] in the eyes | Pablo miró de frente a su jefe y le dijo que renunciaba. | Pablo looked at his boss squarely and told him he was quitting. |
skim | No me fije mucho, sólo miré de pasada. | I didn't focus on much, I only skimmed the book. |
look askance | Mi suegra siempre me ha mirado de reojo; el año pasado me dijo que no era suficientemente bueno para su hija. | My mother-in-law has always looked at me askance: last year she told me I wasn't good enough for her daughter. |
give [sb] a bad look, give [sb] a nasty look | Ese hombre de allá me ha mirado feo toda la noche. | That man over there has been giving me nasty looks all night. |
look ahead | Si miran hacia adelante podrán ver el monumento. | If you look ahead you will be able to see the monument. |
look to the future | Juan mira hacia el futuro y tiene grandes planes. | Juan looks to the future and has great plans. |
look the other way | El jefe decidió mirar para otro lado y no preocuparse por la puntualidad. | The boss decided to look the other way and not worry about timeliness. |
disapprove of | El profesor me mira mal. | The professor disapproves of me. |
hold [sb] in contempt | Es un antipático; mira mal a todo el mundo. | He's a nasty guy; he holds everyone in contempt. |
look at [sb] out of the corner of your eye | Juan miraba la PDA de Ana por el rabillo del ojo. | Juan looked at Ana's PDA out of the corner of his eye. |
look down at | Se cree superior a todos y nos mira por encima del hombro. | He thinks he's better than everyone and looks down at us. |