model | El modelo judicial puede aplicarse a otras situaciones y empresas. | The legal model can be applied to other situations and other companies. |
model | Análogamente el modelo cooperativista se ha aplicado al suministro de electricidad. | Similarly, the cooperative model has been used for the provision of electricity. |
model | Ese análisis determinará qué modelo institucional se elija. | That analysis will determine the selection of the respective institutional model. |
model | Cariño, deberías mirar este modelo. | Darling, you should look at this model. |
model | Fue un ciudadano modelo hasta entonces. | He was a model citizen up until then. |
model | Como modelo de negocios no funciona. | As a business model... it doesn't work. |
model | También consideraron muy valioso repetir proyectos modelo. | They also saw great value in replicating model projects. |
model | Han sido prisioneros modelo hasta ahora. | They've been model prisoners up until now. |
model | Madre mencionó que quieres ser modelo. | Mother was mentioning that you want to model. |
model | Y específicamente necesito el estado del modelo 503. | And more specifically I need to know the status of model 503. |
model | Siendo un modelo en su forma de vivir. | By trying to be a model for you... in the way she lives her life. |
model | Tú tampoco eres un modelo de fidelidad. | You're not exactly a model of faithfulness yourself. |
model | La fotosíntesis es un modelo para nosotros. | I mean, photosynthesis is a model for us. |
model | Eso no estoy realmente cualificado para ser modelo. | That I'm not really qualified to be a model. |
model | Es un modelo de sencillez y elegancia funcional. | It's a model of simplicity - elegant and functional. |
model | Esta similitud operacional es el fundamento del modelo estandarizado de financiación. | This operational similarity provides the basis upon which the standardized funding model is built. |
model | Varios países se han mostrado interesados en aplicar este modelo. | A number of countries had expressed an interest in replicating the model. |
model | Era y seguía siendo un modelo excluyente. | It was and continues to be an exclusionary model. |
model | Pero este modelo está en crisis. | This model is, however, in crisis. |
model | A tal efecto esta Resolución adjunta un formulario modelo. | Attached to the resolution is a model form for that purpose. |
model | Para ser un modelo de alta costura es necesario ser alto y delgado. La modelo caminaba elegantemente por la pasarela. | To be a high fashion model, you must be tall and thin. |
model | Hay quienes creen que Gian Giacomo Caprotti fue el modelo que posó para La Gioconda. | There are some who believe that Gian Giacomo Caprotti was the model who posed for La Gioconda. |
model, role model | Su hijo mayor es admirable; se ha convertido en un modelo para todos sus hermanos. | His son is admirable. He has become a model (or: role model) for all his brothers. |
role model, model | Mi padre siempre fue honesto, es un modelo a seguir. | My father was always honest. He is a role model. |
management model, management system | El modelo de gestión de la compañía es como el norteamericano. | The company's management model is like the American one. |
copy the example | El pequeño país quiere replicar el modelo del país europeo. | The small country wants to copy the example of European countries. |