send | Prometió enviar un representante a la ceremonia. | He promised to send a representative to that ceremony. |
send | Tiene que enviar hombres a buscarlo. | You need to send men out looking for him. |
send | Ella prometió mantenerse en contacto, enviar fotos... | She promised to stay in touch, to send pictures... |
send | Quizás él descubrió lo que intentaba enviar. | He probably just discovered what he was tryin' to send. |
send | Sabéis, olvidó enviar la renovación. | You know, he forgot to send in his renewal. |
send | Debemos enviar un telegrama a Silas. | We shall have to send a cable to Silas. |
send | Debería enviar una foto de ella. | I should send in a polaroid of her. |
send | Dime solo dónde puedo enviar los archivos. | Just tell me where I can send the files. |
send | Tenemos que enviar a los paracaidistas. | This is why we need to send the paras in. |
send | Veo que decidió enviar el Air-Destroyer. | I see they decided to send the Air-Destroyer. |
send | Debo enviar este telegrama a san francisco. | I have this telegram to send to San Francisco. |
send | Decidieron enviar Carly Ward, como alterno. | They decided to send Carly Ward as an alternate. |
send | Es demasiado tarde para enviar avisos. | It's too late to send out notices. |
send | Sería conveniente enviar el proyecto revisado para recabar nuevas observaciones. | It would be useful to send the revised draft for further comments. |
send | Sólo va a enviar la contraseña. | She's just going to send the password. |
send | Incluso han dispuesto enviar un helicóptero para ir. | They've even arranged to send a helicopter to take you from here. |
send | Debería enviar algún personal extra para ayudar. | You should send some more personnel out to help. |
ship | Tenemos un riñón listo para enviar. | We have a left kidney, two hours old, ready to ship. |
ship | Tendrás que enviar las mercancías en muñecos. | You'll have to ship the goods in dolls. |
send | Los padres envían los hijos a la escuela. | Parents send their children to school. |
send | Le envié dos emails y una carta certificada, pero no me contestó. | I sent her two emails and a registered letter but she hasn't replied. |