rich | Debe sentirse bien hacerse rico con sus cuentas. | It must feel pretty good getting rich off their accounts. |
rich | No eres rico y exitoso como Charlie. | So you're not rich and successful like Charlie. |
rich | Diversión significará algo muy distinto cuando eres rico. | Fun must mean something entirely different when you're rich. |
rich | Nunca soñé que me haría rico. | I never dreamt it would make me rich. |
rich | Chennault, que antes fui rico e influyente. | Do not forget, Mr. Chennault, That once I was a rich and influential man. |
rich | Para empezar, soy asquerosamente rico. | To begin with, I'm sisgustingly rich. |
rich | Ya rechazó diez millones de un benefactor rico. | He already turned down a $10 million bequest from some rich benefactor. |
rich | Gracias por hacerme rico, anciano. | Thanks for making me rich, old man. |
rich | Debe haber sido bueno crecer rico. | Must've been nice, growing up rich. |
rich | Mañana seré suficientemente rico para liberarnos. | Tomorrow I'll be rich enough to set us free. |
rich | Creí que tendría un yate siendo tan rico. | You'd think he'd have a bigger yacht than that if he's so rich. |
rich | Es la ultima oportunidad de hacerme rico. | Don't you want Sylvia to be rich? It's her last chance. |
rich | Queremos que seas rico y respetable. | We're just trying to make you rich and respectable. |
rich | Ellis no es un empresario rico. | Okay, Ellis is not a rich businessman. |
rich | Le ofrezco la oportunidad de ser rico. | I'm offering you an opportunity to get rich. |
rich | Debemos hallarle un soltero rico y sordo. | We have to find her a rich, hearing-impaired bachelor. |
rich | Ni te haces rico vendiendo fregonas. | And you don't get rich selling mopheads. |
rich | Cuando seamos mayores, seré rico. | When we're older, I'll be rich. |
rich | Yo no tengo dinero.No soy rico. | I have no money. I'm not rich. |
rich | Es rico y de familia distinguida. | You are rich And from a very distinguished family. |
rich man, wealthy man | Cásate con un rico y vete de mi casa, niña. | Marry a rich man and get out of my house, girl. |
rich, wealthy | La revista Forbes publicó una lista de los 100 hombres más ricos. | Forbes magazine published a list of the 100 richest (or: wealthiest) men. |
delicious, tasty | El pastel de chocolate que prepara mi madre es muy rico. | My mother's chocolate cake is delicious (or: tasty). |
get rich | El único deseo que tiene es hacerse rico. | His only desire is to get rich. |
the new rich | A los nuevos ricos les sobra el dinero pero les falta clase. | The new rich are swimming in money but lack class. |
Puerto Rico | San Juan es la capital de Puerto Rico. | San Juan is the capital of Puerto Rico. |
rich and varied | En ese restaurante se come rico y variado. | That restaurant serves up rich and varied food. |