time | En aquel momento había 1.207.693 viviendas en 6.823 asentamientos. | At the time, it had 1,207,693 housing units in 6,823 settlements. |
time | Eritrea protestó enérgicamente en su momento. | Eritrea protested to this act strongly at the time. |
time | No es momento para medias tintas. | Now was not the time for half measures. |
time | Sería el momento para exterminar todos esos insectos. | That would be the time to exterminate all those bugs, to kill them. |
time | Es momento de hacer una fiesta. | It's the one time there's a party. |
time | Ellos actuarán cuando llegue el momento. | They're reacting when it's time for action. |
time | Y ahora es momento de usarlos. | The time to use it is now... pronto, if not sooner. |
time | Sugiero suspendamos esta discusión para un momento más adecuado. | But I suggest we postpone this discussion to a more suitable time. |
time | Ahora no es momento de ponernos histéricos. | If there is one thing we cannot afford at this time, it is hysteria. |
time | Cuando llegue el momento se rendirán. | When the time comes, they'll surrender. |
time | Yo estaba muy borracho en ese momento. | "I don't know, I was really drunk at the time". |
time | En ese momento, quería matarle. | At the time, I wanted to kill him. |
time | Deberíamos sacar y mostrarle un gran momento. | We should take him out and show him a great time. |
moment | Regresemos por un momento al pasado. | Let us go to the past for a moment. |
moment | Cuando tengas un momento fuera quiero verte. | When you get a moment, Elden wants to see you. |
moment | No cambiaría este momento por ningún otro. | I wouldn't trade this moment for any other. |
moment | De momento, nada, desde luego. | What're you doing about it? -Nothing at the moment, anyway. |
moment | Debo pedirle que salga un momento. | I must ask you to go outside for a moment. |
moment | Su supervivencia todavía es milagrosa de momento. | Your survival is becoming more miraculous by the moment. |
moment | Les pediré que permanezcan sentados un momento. | I'm going to ask that you remain seated for a moment. |
moment | A veces tu vida puede cambiar de forma radical en un momento. | Sometimes your life can change radically in just one moment. |
time, moment | ¡Llegó mi momento! Seré el protagonista de una película de Spielberg. | My time has come! I'm going to be the main character in a Spielberg film. |
time | La empresa pasa por un mal momento, sufre su peor temporada de ventas. | The business is going through a bad time. It's been their worst sales period ever. |
now, at present | Es el cantante más popular del momento, su voz ha cautivado al mundo entero. | He's the most popular singer at present. His voice has captivated the whole world. |
in just a moment, in just one moment | Al momento estoy contigo, dame un segundo. | I'll be with you in just a moment, give me a second. |
at the moment of doing [sth] | Diego se dio cuenta al momento de cerrar la puerta: se había dejado las llaves dentro. | Diego realized at the moment of closing the door that he had left his keys inside. |
at the moment of [sth] | El padre se puso a llorar al momento del parto. | The father started to cry at the moment of the birth. |
at the last minute, at the last moment | Estábamos llegando bien hasta que al último momento nos quedamos sin gasolina y no pudimos continuar. | We were doing well until we ran out of petrol at the last minute and couldn't continue. |
seize the moment | Eres joven y tienes el mundo por delante, aprovecha el momento y no te preocupes demasiado. | You are young and you have the world at your feet, seize the moment and don't worry too much. |
at the moment, for the time being | De momento, todo anda bien con el proyecto; sin embargo, no debemos descuidarnos. | At the moment, everything has gone well; however, we mustn't be complacent. |
at any moment, at any given moment, any minute now, any time now | Martín llegará de un momento a otro, ten paciencia. | Martin will arrive at any moment. Be patient. |
from the moment, from the moment when | Desde el momento en que oí hablar de ese libro he querido leerlo. | From the moment I heard about this book, I have wanted to read it. |
from the moment, from the moment when | Desde el momento en que amanezca voy a aprovechar cada minuto del día. | From the moment I wake up, I am going to take advantage of each minute of the day. |
always, at all times | La madre les prometió a sus hijos estar con ellos en cada momento. | The mother promised her children that she would be with them always. |
at any minute, any minute | De acuerdo con lo que dijo Leticia, Mario debe estar llegando en cualquier momento. | According to Leticia, Mario should be arriving at any minute. |
on doing [sth] | Dicen que el alma se separa del cuerpo en el momento de morir. | They say that the soul separates from the body on dying. |
at the time of | En el momento de la compra, los clientes se acordaron de los gastos de envío. | At the time of purchase, the customers agreed on the shipping costs. |
when, as soon as | Vendió su integridad en el momento en que aceptó el soborno. | He sold his integrity as soon as (or: when) he accepted the bribe. |
when, as soon as | Tu vida va a cambiar en el momento en que decidas olvidar tus miedos. | Your life is going to change when (or: as soon as) you decide to forget your fears. |
at no time | No he dejado de comunicarme con mi familia en ningún momento. | At no time have I ever stopped communicating with my family. |
at no time | En ningún momento me he enojado contigo. | At no time was I angry with you. |
at the right time | Todo llega en su momento, aunque no sea cuando uno lo espera. | Everything comes at the right time, even when you're not expecting it. |
at the time | El error de la secretaria es hoy en día una divertida anécdota, pero en su momento causó la ira del jefe. | The secretary's mistake is now an amusing anecdote, but at the time the boss was very angry. |
at all times | Durante su viaje de negocios, Camilo pensó en su familia en todo momento. | During his business trip, Camilo thought about his family at all times. |
in a moment | ¿Estás listo? En un momento salimos. | Are you ready? We will be leaving in a moment. |
at a given time, at some given time | En un momento dado tendré que hacer lo que me has dicho. | At a given time I will have to do what you've told me. |
at first | En un primer momento, pensé que eras una persona desagradable, pero luego vi que estaba equivocado. | At first, I thought that you were a terrible person, but now I see that I was wrong. |
so far, thus far | Hasta el momento, he recibido respuesta de dos de las empresas a las que envié mi hoja de vida. | So far, I have received responses from two of the companies that I sent my resume to. |
when the time comes | Nos preocuparemos llegado el momento y no antes. | We'll worry about it when the time comes and not before. |
right time, right moment | Espera el momento adecuado para pedirle dinero a tu padre. | Wait for the right time (or: moment) to ask your Mum for money. |
key moment, pivotal moment | El hallazgo de huellas del yeti fue el momento clave de la expedición. | The finding of yeti footprints was the expedition's key moment. |
for a moment | Por un momento creí que te había perdido. | For a moment I believed that you had forfeited. |
live in the moment | Juan vive el momento sin preocuparse por el futuro. | Juan lives in the moment without worrying about the future. |