woman | Una eminente mujer india es Miembro del Comité. | An eminent Indian woman is a Member of the Committee. |
woman | Por primera vez una mujer afrodescendiente asumió una cartera ministerial. | For the first time, a woman of African descent was given a ministerial portfolio. |
woman | Una mujer dirige ahora la misión en Bruselas. | The head of mission in Brussels is currently a woman. |
woman | Una mujer es Vice Primera Ministra. | One of the deputy prime ministers is a woman. |
woman | La mujer mantiene su apellido tras contraer matrimonio. | The Act also provides that a woman may keep her original family name after marriage. |
woman | Entre sus tres periodistas hay una mujer. | Of its three journalists, one is a woman. |
woman | Como mujer, puede tener opción. | As a woman, you might have a chance. |
woman | Nunca he visto mujer tan enamorada. | [CASSlo LAUGHING] I never knew a woman love man so. |
woman | Esta mujer ha sido contaminada por follics tóxicos. | Don't panic, for this woman has been contaminated by toxic follics. |
woman | Vaya, eres una mujer testaruda. | By golly, you're a strong-minded woman. |
woman | Paz Vega es una mujer preciosa. | To me, she's a notably beautiful woman, Paz Vega. |
woman | Acudo a vosotros como mujer espartana. | I come to you as a Spartan woman. |
woman | Te transformaste en una hermosa mujer. | You turned out a beautiful woman, Selena. |
woman | Los veré apenas termine con esta... mujer. | I'll look these over as soon as I'm finished with this... woman. |
woman | La mujer inteligente, tu madre, te quiere mucho. | But the smart woman, your mother, she loves you a lot. I saw it in my ball. |
woman | Era una mujer diferente cuando empecé a hacerlos. | I was a different woman when I started making these. |
wife | Mi mujer está... Bastante deprimida... | My wife is very sad, even depressed. |
wife | No tengo secretos para mi mujer. | I don't have secrets from my wife. |
female | Ser mujer o indígena acentúa los problemas. | Being female or a member of an indigenous population has proven to compound the challenges. |
female | Shama fue la primera mujer gobernadora de Gilgit-Baltistan. | Dr. Shama became the first female governor of Gilgit-Baltistan. |
woman | La mujer se alegró al saber que estaba embarazada. | The woman was happy to find out that she was pregnant. |
wife | Carlos vino a vernos con su mujer. | Carlos came to see us with his wife. |