moral | Kimberly puede haber demostrado autoconcesión moral. | In Kimberly's case, she may have been displaying moral licensing. |
moral | Tenemos una misión estratégica y moral. | We have a strategic and also a moral mission. |
moral | Además de ser su derecho moral y constitucional. | In addition to it being her moral and constitutional right. |
moral | Ahora hay un invalido moral con Helmer. | There's such a moral invalid with Helmer now. |
moral | No reconozco esta corte como árbitro moral. | I don't recognize this court as a moral arbiter. |
moral | Permítaseme ahora abordar brevemente nuestro entorno moral. | Let me now touch briefly on our moral environment. |
moral | Será un fracaso político y moral. | It will be a moral and political failure. |
moral | Porque su brújula moral siempre apunta... | Because your moral compass is always pointed due... |
moral | La moral de las tropas japonesas decayó. | The moral of the Japanese troops was very bad. |
moral | Y nosotros celebraríamos nuestra victoria moral. | Then we'd celebrate our great moral victory. |
moral | Honestamente, no entiendo tu dilema moral. | Honestly, I don't understand your moral dilemma. |
moral | Megan tiene un código moral muy estricto. | Well, Megan has a very strict moral code. |
moral | Cutler te envió aquí porque eres demasiado moral. | Cutler sent you out here because you're too moral. |
moral | A nuestra brújula moral la dirige nuestras decisiones. | Our moral compass is directed by the choices we make. |
moral | De lo contrario tendríamos un dilema moral. | Otherwise there'd be a moral question mark over our escape. |
moral | Refleja mi situación actual como renegado y cruzado moral. | It speaks to my current situation as a renegade moral crusader. |
moral | No es por un imperativo moral. | It's not because of some moral imperative. |
moral | Estas obligaciones pueden ser de carácter legal o moral. | These obligations may be of either a legal or moral character. |
moral | Necesito un contexto moral para justificar esta acción. | Well, I need some moral context to justify that action. |
psychological | Se proscribe toda violencia física o moral . | Any form of physical or psychological violence is prohibited . |
morals | La moral es el conjunto de principios, valores y normas que rige la conducta del ser humano en una sociedad. | Morals are a collection of principles, values and norms that govern human behavior in a group. |
moral | La eutanasia no es únicamente una cuestión jurídica sino también un dilema moral. | Euthanasia is not only a legal concern, it is also a moral dilemma. |
attack on morale | El incidente representa un ataque a la moral. | The incident is an attack on morale. |
demoralized | Daniel está un poco bajo de moral, no lo molestes hoy. | Daniel is a little demoralized, so don't bother him today. |
moral damage | Los empleados demandarán a su jefe por el daño moral que han sufrido por sus abusos. | The workers are going to sue their boss for mental suffering caused by his abuse. |
unscrupulous, immoral | Ese político es de moral relajada y no duda en cruzar la línea de lo ético. | That politician is not bothered about being unethical; he is unscrupulous. |
promiscuous | Ese tipo de moral relajada se acuesta con la primera que se le cruza en el camino. | He is promiscuous; he goes to bed with the first girl to cross his path. |
weaken moral, undermine moral | Las continuas derrotas debilitaban la moral de la tropa. | Continuous defeats weakened (or: undermined) the troop's morale. |
double standards | No me gusta la doble moral de ese hombre. | I do not like that guy's double standards. |
legal entity | Un doctor es una persona física y un hospital es una persona jurídica. | A doctor is a natural person and a hospital is a legal entity. |
moral integrity | Pablo es un hombre con un gran valor moral que sería incapaz de hacerle daño a alguien intencionadamente. | Pablo is a man of a great moral integrity who would be incapable of hurting someone intentionally. |