natural | Estoy diciendo que es perfectamente natural. | Grow up you two! I'm just saying it's perfectly natural. |
natural | No es un conversador natural como yo. | He's not a natural conversationalist, like me. |
natural | Es natural que tu padre quiera protegerte. | It's natural that your father wants to protect you. |
natural | Eres natural, sin mentiras ni pretensiones. | You're natural, without any lies or pretense. |
natural | Significa que no son un fenómeno natural. | It means that they're not a natural phenomenon. |
natural | Hubo una evacuación, un desastre natural, dijeron. | There was an evacuation, some kind of natural disaster, they said. |
natural | No suena natural cuando yo maldigo. | It doesn't sound natural when I curse. |
natural | Actúa natural, mira tu menú. | Here, just act natural, look at your menu. |
natural | Pareces tener algo de talento natural. | I mean, you seem to have a modicum of natural talent. |
natural | Es natural para él estar enojado. | It's natural for him to be upset. |
natural | Fue tan natural que estuviéramos juntos. | It was so natural for us to be together. |
natural | También es muy aterrador Y natural tener dudas. | It's also very scary and natural to be having second thoughts. |
natural | Es natural simplemente no molestarse en tratar contigo. | It's natural to just not bother dealing with you. |
natural | Tiene derecho a solicitar muerte natural. | She has the right to demand a natural death. |
natural | Todo parecía tan natural e inocente. | It all seemed so natural and so innocent. |
natural | Vamos a devolverlos a su evolución natural. | We'll be restoring them to their natural evolution. |
natural | Es natural que te sientas culpable y protector. | It's natural that you're feeling guilty And protective. |
nature | Tú tienes una ambición natural, y tendrás renombre. | You have an ambitious nature, and will make a name for yourself. |
natural | Había lagos artificiales en el jardín, pero a mi me gustaba el lago natural. | There were artificial lakes in the garden, but I liked the natural one, |
natural | Llevaba un peinado natural que le sentaba muy bien. | Her hairstyle was natural and suited her well. |
natural | De bebida le podemos servir un jugo natural o una gaseosa. | The ingredients in our product are all natural. |
native | Es natural de Albacete aunque vive en Valencia. | He's a native of Albacete although he lives in Valencia. |
natural | Este libro representa el estilo de la autora al natural. | This book represents the author's natural style. |
raw | El pepino generalmente se consume al natural. | Cucumber is generally eaten raw. |
nude | El actor se sacó varias fotos al natural. | The actor took several nude photos. |
calendar year | El año calendario empieza el 1 de enero y termina el 31 de diciembre. | The calendar year starts the 1st of January and ends the 31st of December. |
natural year | Un año natural tiene 365 días. | A natural year has 365 days. |
natural disaster | Haití sufrió un desastre natural en 2010. | Haiti experienced a natural disaster in 2010. |
calendar day | Un día natural es un día normal. | A calendar day is a normal day. |
life-sized | Un dibujo a escala natural tiene el mismo tamaño que el objeto real. | A life-sized drawing is the same size as the real object. |
natural gas | La mayoría de las calefacciones de los edificios de la ciudad funcionan con gas natural. | Most of the buildings' heating in the city run on natural gas. |
extramarital child | Pablo tiene muchos hijos naturales. | Pablo has many extramarital children. |
physical impossibility | No tenemos ninguna imposibilidad natural para hacer eso. | A miracle would have to happen for you to get there in time; it's a physical impossibility. |
natural light, sunlight | Prefiero la luz natural a la luz artificial. | I prefer natural light to artificial. |
natural death | Mi anciana abuela murió de muerte natural. | My elderly grandmother died a natural death. |
resident of, native of | El ilustre científico Louis Pasteur era natural de Dole, en Francia. | The famous scientist Louis Pasteur was a resident of Dole in France. |
native to | El árbol de la laca es natural de China, Corea y Japón. | The lacquer tree is native to China, Korea and Japan. |
nature reserve | Una reserva natural es un santuario para flora y fauna en peligro de extinción. | A nature reserve is a sanctuary for endangered flora and fauna. |
natural wealth | La riqueza natural de un país es el conjunto de sus diversos elementos de la naturaleza. | The natural wealth of a country is the sum of its different natural elements. |