network | 34 planes estratégicos preparados y aprobados por cada red. | A total of 34 strategic plans have been prepared and approved by each network. |
network | La red de corresponsales permite abarcar muchos ordenamientos internos. | The network of correspondents ensures coverage of a large number of domestic jurisdictions. |
network | Es una vasta red de terroristas internacionales. | It is a vast and international network of terrorists. |
network | Adam Duke pertenece a esa red. | Adam Duke is a member of this network. |
network | Porque están usando Nuestra red wifi para hacerlo. | Because they're using our Wi-Fi network to do it. |
network | Estaríamos dispuestos a participar en dicha red. | We would be ready to participate in such a network. |
network | Oculta en alguna red con un servidor protegido. | You'll survive this, hidden away in some network of protected servers. |
network | Hay otra conciencia compartiendo su red. | There's another consciousness... sharing her network. |
network | Todas las dependencias administrativas estarán conectadas a la red. | Every administrative unit is going to be connected to the network. |
network | He construido una red de contactos. | I have built up a network of contacts. |
network | Ninguna importante red de terrorismo internacional fue algo como esto. | Quite a substantial international terrorist network, never been anything like it. |
network | Michelle, la red se está sobrecargando. | Michelle, we're starting to overload the network. |
network | Que localice huellas digitales en una red encriptada. | A multiheaded worm to sniff out digital footprints across an encrypted network. |
net | Usará sus conexiones en la red. | He'll use his connections on the net. |
net | Los nodos están creando una red neural básica. | The nodes are in the process of creating a rudimentary neural net. |
net | Ampliamos la red de sospechosos potenciales. | We cast the net wider for potential suspects. |
net | Seis semanas para hacer esta red. | It took me six weeks to make this net. |
net | Está bien, estamos operando sin red. | All right, we're operating without a net. |
grid | Pirateamos sus transmisiones, formamos una red. | We hack into their transmissions, form a grid. |
grid | Tengo que desconectarlos de la red. | I'll have to disconnect 'em from the grid. |
net | Los barcos pescan con red. | The boats are fishing with nets. |
network | Un rayo ha causado una avería en la red eléctrica. El gobierno creó una red de televisoras educativas. | The government created a network of educational television channels. |
trap | El timador nos hizo caer en su red. | The con artist made us fall into his trap. |
system, network | El ejército sospecha que existe una red de espionaje en el país. | A virus caused an outage in the computer network (or: system). |
set up a network | Los profesores y los alumnos armaron una red para estar en contacto. | The teachers and students set up a network so they could stay in touch. |
network design, network architecture | Todas las terminales de la oficina comparten la impresora a través de la arquitectura de red. | All the office stations share the printer through the network design (or: network architecture). |
post online, post on a website | El profesor colgó en la red los textos para la clase. | The professor posted the class texts online. |
social network | El 90 % de los usuarios de esta red social son adultos jóvenes. Muchas marcas usan las redes sociales con fines publicitarios. | 90% of the users of this social network are young adults. Many brands use social networks for marketing. |
network card | Si la computadora no se conecta a la red, compruebe que la tarjeta de red se encuentra en buen estado. | If the computer doesn't connect to the network, check that the network card is in good condition. |