news | He recibido una noticia preocupante de una fuente fidedigna. | I've just received some disturbing news from an unimpeachable source. |
news | Chicas, tengo una noticia excelente. | Girls, I've got great news for you. |
news | Y gracias por esta estupenda noticia. | And, sir, thanks for the great news. |
news | Escuché que tienes alguna noticia para nosotros. | I hear you've got some news for us. |
news | La mala noticia es que tienes mononucleosis. | Okay. The bad news is you have mononucleosis. |
news | La situación de Maroubra comenzó a ser noticia. | The situation at Maroubra was really starting to become news. |
news | Qué sensacional noticia, mi amigo gitano deambulante. | That is sensational news, my little gypsy roving friend. |
news | Cuando nos rebeláramos, seremos noticia. | No, when we rise up, we'll make the news. |
news | Puedes darles la noticia tú mismo. | You can give them the news yourself... after dessert. |
news | Estaba destrozada cuando le conté la noticia. | She was devastated when I told her the news. |
news | No pareces demasiado devastada por la noticia. | You don't seem too devastated by the news. |
news | No has podido llamarme porque la noticia... | You couldn't just call me because the news... |
news | Esta noticia suscita evidentemente otras esperanzas. | The news obviously gave rise to other hopes. |
news | Permítaseme transmitir una noticia muy triste esta noche. | May I also convey some very sad news this evening. |
news | Voy a llamarte por cualquier noticia. | I will come to you with any news. |
story | Más sobre esta noticia cuando volvamos. | More on this story when we come back. |
story | Traicionarías a tu hada madrina por una noticia. | You'd double-cross your own fairy godmother for a story. |
story | Seguiremos informándole novedades de esta noticia. | We'll continue to bring you updates as this story develops. |
word | No hay ninguna noticia del hospital. | There's still no word from the hospital. |
announcement | La noticia de la boda del príncipe sorprendió a sus súbditos. | The prince's wedding announcement surprised his subjects. |
news | La noticia de tu llegada nos cogió de sorpresa. | The news of your arrival caught us by surprise. |