us | Los riesgos que ejecutaremos si nosotros nosotros plantones. | The risks which we will run if us orderlies. |
us | Todos nosotros alcanzamos y aceptamos el consenso. | Consensus was reached and accepted by all of us. |
us | Agradezco la confianza depositada en nosotros. | I am thankful for the confidence placed in us. |
us | Hubo muchos acontecimientos esperados por todos nosotros. | It was filled with events awaited by all of us. |
us | Esos objetivos son para nosotros un verdadero orgullo democrático. | Those goals are a true source of democratic pride for us. |
us | Todos nosotros podemos contribuir al establecimiento de ese mundo. | All of us can contribute to the establishment of such a world. |
us | Hay mucho trabajo para nosotros aquí. | There's plenty for us to work with here. |
us | Es indecoroso, todos nosotros sentados así. | It's unseemly, all of us sitting together like this. |
us | Será siempre una barrera entre nosotros. | There may always be a barrier between us. |
us | Son fieles a nuestra patria como cualquiera de nosotros. | They are faithful to their country, just like any one of us. |
us | Haces como si hubiera algo entre nosotros. | You're acting like there's sOMething between us. |
us | Debió venir con nosotros desde Suecia. | She must have come with us from Sweden. |
us | Podrían azotarla por hablar con nosotros. | You could be whipped for speaking to us. |
us | Si encuentran a uno de nosotros con dinero, todos acabaremos igual. | All they have to do is catch one of us with some of this money and we'll all end up the same way. |
us | Con esto acaba todo entre nosotros. | This is the end of everything between us. |
us | Sé bueno y quedará entre nosotros. | Be a sweetheart, and itll stay between us. |
us | Hay 23 especies alienígenas viviendo entre nosotros ahora mismo. | There are 23 different alien species living among us right now. |
we | Pero nosotros esperamos oír su perspectiva. | But we look forward to hearing your perspective. |
ourselves | Si luchamos entre nosotros, pareceremos divididos y desorganizados. | If we fight ourselves, we will appear to be divided and disorganized. |
we | Nosotros preferimos vivir en la ciudad. | We prefer living in the city. We want to go to Paris. |
we, us | A nosotros nos unen lazos de amistad. | We are united by the ties of friendship. |