object | Quiero que recuperes un objeto para mí. | I want you to retrieve an object for me... |
object | Era capaz de replicar cualquier objeto inanimado. | It was capable of replicating almost any inanimate object. |
object | Cualquier objeto que haya dejado rastros del tirador. | Any object that can yield trace evidence of the shooter. |
object | Un objeto más grande se está... | An object more massive than the singularity is... |
object | Solo pedimos cooperación mientras el gobierno evalúa el objeto. | For now, we're simply asking for cooperation while authorities assess the object. |
object | Un objeto no identificado se acerca a gran velocidad. | Captain, we're in the path of an unidentified object... moving toward us at high speed. |
object | Creo que otro objeto volador será culpado. | I guess that another flying object is to blame. |
object | Observemos un objeto brillante como ese árbol. | When I look at some really distant object like that tree. |
object | Es ese gran objeto circular con símbolos grabados. | It's that big, circular object with symbols carved on it. |
object | Quisiera algún objeto antiguo de esta casa. | I would like an old object from this house. |
object | Era increíble ver este gran objeto. | It was just unbelievable to see this big object. |
object | El objeto marrón del centro lo expresa. | The brown object in the centre is her expression of that. |
object | Pedirle que pasarlo en contra del objeto. | Asking you to pass it on defeats the object. |
object | Estudian cualquier objeto, cuestionan todo. | You examine any object, you question everything. |
object | Nunca sabremos la verdadera naturaleza de ningún objeto. | We'll never know the true nature of any object. |
object | Cada objeto volador debe ser identificado y registrado... | Each object in the sky must be identified and accounted for. |
object | Sólo necesitas un objeto afilado para hacerla. | Only other thing you need to make it is a sharp object. |
object | Llevaré a cabo una explosión controlada del objeto sospechoso. | I am about to conduct a controlled explosion on the suspicious object. |
subject | Mike, es objeto de una cacería internacional. | Mike, well, he's the subject of an international manhunt. |
subject | Esos programas deberían ser objeto de evaluaciones sistemáticas. | These programmes should be subject to regular assessment and evaluation. |
object | No han podido identificar el objeto que usó el criminal como arma asesina. | They haven't been able to find the object the murderer used to kill his victim. |
objective | El objeto de esta reunión es intercambiar y aportar ideas para la campaña publicitaria. | The objective of this meeting is to exchange and contribute ideas for the publicity campaign. |
indirect object | No se dice "la doy un peine" sino "le doy un peine" porque es objeto indirecto. | Do not say "I give she a comb", rather "I give her a comb" because it is the indirect object. |
with the objective of, with the goal of | Los socios se reunieron con el objeto de tomar decisiones sobre las próximas inversiones. | The partners got together with the objective of making decisions on the next investments. |
with the purpose of, with the aim of | Con objeto de mejorar la educación, se debatieron las condiciones de trabajo y la capacitación de docentes. | With the purpose of improving education, they debated teachers' working conditions and education. |
object of desire | El joven millonario es un objeto de deseo para las cazafortunas. | The young millionaire is an object of desire for gold diggers. |
decorative object | No respeta a las mujeres, las considera objetos decorativos. | He doesn't respect women; he considers them decorative objects. |
direct object | En la oración "Compré un reloj", "un reloj" es el objeto directo. | In the sentence "I bought a watch", "a watch" is the direct object. |
indirect object | Los verbos transitivos pueden tener objeto directo e indirecto. | Transitive verbs can have direct and indirect objects. |