
Objective Objetivo Goal El Es De Ese Del

Index 657
Question objetivo
Question sentences
El objetivo principal del Gobierno es prevenir esa violencia.
Celebro los importantes avances que Liberia continúa realizando hacia este objetivo.
Answer objective; goal; aim
Answer sentences and translations
objectiveEl objetivo principal del Gobierno es prevenir esa violencia.The Government's main objective is to prevent domestic violence in the first place.
objectiveCelebro los importantes avances que Liberia continúa realizando hacia este objetivo.I salute the important strides that Liberia continues to make towards this objective.
objectiveEsas operaciones no permitieron conquistar ningún objetivo.These operations did not succeed in capturing a single objective.
objectiveEl instrumento debe contener directrices de carácter objetivo.The instrument should be composed of guidelines of an objective nature.
objectiveUn instrumento jurídicamente vinculante permitiría alcanzar ese objetivo.A legally binding instrument would make it possible to attain that objective.
objectiveReconoce el papel catalizador desempeñado por el objetivo internacional.It recognises the role of catalyst played by the international objective.
objectiveSeguiremos trabajando para alcanzar ese objetivo.We will continue to work to achieve that objective.
objectiveLa aprobación del Convenio contribuirá a ese objetivo.The adoption of the Convention will contribute to that objective.
objectiveNuestro principal objetivo será... hacer buenas películas.Basically, our foremost objective here... is making good films.
objectiveSeguramente sabía cuál era nuestro objetivo.He must know what our next objective is.
objectiveMi delegación espera que todos podamos apoyar ese objetivo.It is the hope of my delegation that we can all endorse that objective.
goalEl objetivo es llegar al 25% en 2006.The goal is for 25 percent of the population having access to a primary health care team by 2006.
goalEste objetivo debe alcanzarse lo antes posible.This goal needs to be achieved as soon as possible.
goalEs responsabilidad nuestra conseguir ese objetivo.It is our responsibility to achieve that goal.
goalDeberían seguir desplegándose esfuerzos intensivos para lograr ese objetivo.Intensive efforts should continue to be made to achieve that goal.
goalContinuaré buscando oportunidades para promover ese objetivo.I will continue to look for opportunities to advance that goal.
goalPero Ronnie tenía un objetivo en mente.You know, Ronnie, he had a goal in view.
aimEl objetivo es aumentar dicho porcentaje.The aim is to further increase this quota.
aimUn objetivo del principio de participación es fomentar el proceso democrático.One aim of the principle of participation is to foster the democratic process.
objectiveEl objetivo de esta reunión es aprobar el presupuesto de la comunidad.The objective of this meeting is to approve the community budget.
objectivePara ser buen periodista es importante ser objetivo.To be a good journalist, it's important to be objective.
with the objective of, with the goal ofCon el objetivo de ayudar a los más necesitados, el Gobierno otorgará subsidios de vivienda.With the objective of helping the needy, the government will issue housing subsidies.
target marketEstudiaron las estrategias para establecer el segmento de mercado objetivo al que dirigir su publicidad.They studied strategies to establish the target market segment to direct their publicity towards.
strategic goalEn cuatro años, la empresa será líder del mercado gracias a sus objetivos estratégicos.In four years the company will be a market leader thanks to their strategic goals.

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