eight | En 2003 había ocho centros en cinco regiones. | As of 2003, there are eight active centers in five regions. |
eight | Actualmente hay solo ocho mujeres diputadas. | Currently, there were only eight women deputies. |
eight | Éramos ocho cuando comenzó la formación. | There were eight of us, when training began. |
eight | Me ofrecieron donaciones de ocho empresas de perforación diferentes. | They offered me a donation package from eight different drilling companies. |
eight | Llevo ocho temporadas en esta liga. | I've been in this league for eight seasons. |
eight | Si pasan ocho coches por minuto... | If you've got eight cars a minute... |
eight | Tardarás como ocho minutos en llegar. | It should take you about eight minutes to get there. |
eight | La reparamos y transfundimos ocho unidades de sangre. | Now, we've repaired it And transfused eight units of blood. |
eight | Martin lleva viviendo aquí ocho años. | Martin's been living here over eight years. |
eight | Los Villanos ahora con ocho piezas. | Jf: villains now th eight puzzle pieces. |
eight | Actualmente está integrada por ocho organizaciones. | At present, it consists of eight member organizations. |
eight | Tengo ocho huéspedes en este momento, incluyéndome. | I have eight borders at this time, including myself. |
eight | Continua así por otras ocho paginas... | It goes on like this for another eight pages... |
eight | Tenía ocho años en esa fotografía. | I'm eight years old in that picture. |
eight | Excepto ocho de vacaciones y tres enfermos. | Except eight on their holidays and three off sick. |
eight | No puedes contraatacar ocho segundos después. | You can't come back with a comeback after eight seconds. |
eight | Llevaba persiguiendo a ese hombre ocho años. | I had been chasing the man for eight years. |
eight | El ocho es el número de la suerte de mi esposa. | The number eight is my wife's lucky number. |
eight | Ocho muchachos vinieron al cumpleaños de mi vecinito. | Eight little kids came to my neighbors birthday party. |
doubled up | Durmió en el sofá hecho un ocho y, cuando se despertó, le dolía todo. | He slept doubled up on the sofa and when he woke up his whole body ached. |
a real show-off | Te emperifollas mucho: eres más chulo que un ocho. | The star player on the team is a real show-off, but he scores a lot of goals. |