organization | Una organización mundial secuestrando ciudadanos inocentes. | A worldwide organization Kidnapping innocent citizens of their life. Heh. |
organization | Tengo contadores forenses investigando su organización. | I have forensic accountants digging through your organization, Mr. Coonan. |
organization | Algunos participantes describieron ejemplos de la organización de sus fiscalías. | A number of participants shared examples of the organization of their prosecutor's offices. |
organization | Dicha estrategia permitiría a la organización aprovechar sus ventajas comparativas. | Such a strategy would allow the organization to capitalize on its comparative advantages. |
organization | Se denuncia a su vez a integrantes reconocidos de la organización JUP. | A complaint was also filed against recognized members of the organization Juventud Uruguaya de Pie (Uruguayan Youth, Stand Up) (JUP). |
organization | La organización se centra en proporcionar educación, alimentos y medicamentos. | The focus of the organization is on providing education, food and medication. |
organization | Cualquier persona u organización puede presentar una queja. | A complaint may be lodged by any person or organization. |
organization | La Asociación participó en la organización del Foro Handicap. | AAGHD also participated in the organization of the forum on disability. |
organization | La organización nacional Unión Juvenil Majtumkuli se formó en 1991. | The national youth organization Makhtumkuli Turkmen Youth Union was formed in 1991. |
organization | Una mala organización es aquella donde no existe participación. | A bad organization is one in which there is no participation. |
organization | Algunas Partes mencionaron la organización del proceso intergubernamental. | The organization of the intergovernmental process was mentioned by a few Parties. |
organization | Una organización facilitó información adicional para completar la aportada inicialmente. | One organization provided additional information to supplement that which had been originally provided. |
organization | Se formularon algunas recomendaciones para fortalecer la organización. | A number of recommendations were made to strengthen the organization. |
organization | La organización acaso no pueda hacerlo por diversas razones. | The organization may be unable to do so for several reasons. |
organization | La organización no nos está siguiendo... | The organization remains behind. I think we... |
organization | Ahora simplemente somos conscientes de las limitaciones de nuestra organización interna. | Simply, we are now aware of the limitations of our internal organization. |
organisation | Es una organización estadounidense y ahora tienen una sucursal sueca. | It's an American organisation and now they have a Swedish branch. |
organisation | Entonces me echaron de la organización. | Then they threw me out of the organisation. |
organization | La organización de la conferencia nos tomará una semana. | Organization of the conference will take us a week. |
organization | La organización estudiantil presentará un programa de becas. | The student organization will present a scholarship program. |
United Nations | Las Naciones Unidas velan por mantener la paz en el mundo. | The United Nations seeks to maintain peace throughout the world. |
United Nations | Una de las funciones de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas es velar por la conservación de la paz mundial. | One of the United Nations' functions is to ensure the preservation of world peace. |
World Health Organization | La Organización Mundial de la Salud intervendrá para evitar la propagación del virus. | The World Health Organization will intervene in order to prevent the virus from spreading. |
NGO | Trabaja como voluntaria para una organización no gubernamental. | She works as a volunteer for an NGO. |