refer | La Cámara puede referir cualquier cuestión al Procurador General o a un comité de investigación especialmente constituido. | The House may refer any matter, for investigation either by the Attorney General or by a specially constituted investigating committee. |
refer | Es común de referir al electrodo negativo primero en IEC definiciones de batería. | It is common to refer to the negative electrode first in IEC battery definitions. |
refer | Permítame referir sintéticamente nuestra aspiración respecto al futuro tratado de suspensión total de los ensayos. | Permit us to refer briefly to our aspirations for the future treaty on a total end to testing. |
refer | Me gustaría referir eso a mi abogado. | I'd like to refer that to my attorney. |
refer | Me voy a referir, en primer lugar, a la inmigración. | I will refer firstly to immigration. |
refer | Me voy a referir concretamente a algunos de estos peligros. | I shall refer specifically to just some of these dangers. |
refer | Me voy a referir fundamentalmente a los fenómenos de fusiones y adquisiciones en las bolsas europeas. | I shall refer primarily to the phenomena of mergers and acquisitions in European stock exchanges. |
refer | Señor Presidente, en tan poco tiempo me voy a referir exclusivamente al programa CARNOT. | Mr President, in the short amount of time available I shall only refer to the CARNOT programme. |
refer | Por tanto, el límite de concentración se debe referir exclusivamente a ellos. | Therefore the concentration limit should refer to them exclusively. |
refer | Señor Presidente, me voy a referir particularmente al informe sobre la adopción internacional. | Mr President, I would like to refer in particular to the report on intercountry adoption. |
refer | Por consiguiente, no sería aconsejable referir especialmente sólo determinados sectores. | Moreover, it would not be advisable to refer specifically to just certain sectors. |
refer | Para resolver este problema necesitamos referir todos los valores a un valor base fijo que es 100. | In order to solve this problem we need to refer all the values to a fixed base value which is 100. |
refer | Usted podría referir como ellos mercancía sin defectos. | You could refer to as them flawless merchandise. |
mention | Me voy a referir ahora a la segunda máxima prioridad y aguda necesidad. | Now let me mention another top priority and urgent issue. |
mention | Me voy a referir brevemente a cada una de las enmiendas. | Let me mention briefly the individual amendments. |
mention | En este punto quiero referir algo que el Anciano aconsejaba siempre a los visitantes casados. | Here I would like to mention something that the Elder always recommended for his wedded visitors. |
relate | Eso se puede referir al trabajo o a un pasatiempo. | That can relate to work or an avocation. |
relate, recount | Refirió su experiencia con todo lujo de detalles. | She related (or: recounted) her experience with a wealth of detail. |