small | Algunas organizaciones dependían de un pequeño número de donantes. | Some of the organizations were dependent on a small number of donors. |
small | Eras pequeño y yo estaba creciendo. | You were small and I was growing up. |
small | Lady Ludlow me dejó un pequeño estipendio. | I was left a small stipend by Lady Ludlow. |
small | Volkov tiene un pequeño ejército buscándolo. | Volkov had a small army on the lookout for him. |
small | Es demasiado pequeño para cabina telefónica. | It's too small for a telephone booth. |
small | Aun siendo demasiado pequeño para entenderlas. | Even if you were too small to understand why. |
little | Es importante mantengamos nuestro pequeño secreto. | It's important that you and I keep our little secret. |
little | Siempre tuve antebrazos largos desde pequeño. | I've always had large forearms ever since I was little. |
little | Cuando era pequeño mis padres pensaron que tenía Asperger. | When I was little, my parents had me tested for asperger's. |
little | Las cosas que salieron del pequeño banco. | The things that came out of the little bank. |
little | Pensé que necesitaban un pequeño escape. | I figured you boys needed a little getaway. |
little | El pequeño traspiés, imposible hacerlo mejor. | That little stumble, you can't do better. |
little | No me podía creer lo pequeño que parecía. | Then Bob Dylan came out on the stage and I couldn't believe how little he was. |
little | Porque sigo notando un pequeño acento. | 'Cause I keep hearing a little accent. |
little | Tengo un pequeño regalo para usted. | I've got a little treat for you. |
little | Un pequeño brindis por John Brickner. | Let's do a little toast to John Brickner. |
little | Voy al dermatólogo para un pequeño procedimiento. | I'm going to my dermatologist for a little procedure. |
little | Nosotros estábamos tensos cuando era pequeño. | I mean, I think we were very tense when Kevin was little. |
smaller | Un paracaídas pequeño pero dobla la velocidad. | Now, it's a smaller parachute, but you're travelling twice as fast. |
small | Un truco para comer menos es servirse en un plato pequeño. Julia vive en una casa pequeña. | One trick if you're trying to eat less is to use a small plate. Julia lives in a small house. |
young | Un niño pequeño necesita de los cuidados de su madre. | A young child needs the attention of his mother. |
minor, slight, little | Llegué tarde porque tuve un pequeño contratiempo. | I arrived late because I had a slight setback. |
slight, small | El sismómetro registró un pequeño temblor; la población no llegó a sentirlo. | The seismometer registered a small tremor; the residents didn't feel it. |
little, short | Ayudé a una pequeña viejecita a cruzar la calle. | I helped a little old lady cross the street. |
short | La hermana de Luis es pequeña y rubia. | Luis' sister is short and blond. |
kid | Mi pequeño todavía no tiene edad para ir a la escuela. | My kid still isn't old enough to go to school. |