lord | Preferiría mostrárselo directamente al señor Hades... | I would prefer to show it to lord Hades in person. |
sir | Tenemos órdenes de detenerlo, señor. | We have orders to detain you, sir. |
sir | Siento que piense eso, señor. | Well, I'm sorry you think that, sir. |
sir | No haría nada diferente, señor. | I wouldn't do anything differently, sir. |
sir | Solicito permiso para buscarlo, señor. | Request permission to go look for him, sir. |
sir | No tuvo ninguna reacción, señor. | She didn't show her feelings to me, sir. |
sir | Comprendo que esté molesto, señor. | I understand that you're upset, sir. |
sir | Esta en el comedor, señor. | Well, I reckon he's over at the mess tent, sir. |
sir | Pensé que eliminaría los posos, señor. | I thought it'd settle the grounds, sir. |
sir | Debemos volver al barco, señor. | We should get back to the ship, sir. |
sir | Necesita terminarlo por mí, señor. | You need to end it for me, sir. |
sir | Me gustaría intentar convencerlos de rendirse, señor. | I'd like to try to convince them to surrender, sir. |
sir | He formado tres brigadas, señor. | I've rounded up three brigades, sir. |
sir | Estoy tratando de ayudarle, señor. | Listen, I'm trying to help you, sir. |
sir | No puedo explicarle cuánto aprecio esto, señor. | I can't tell you how much I appreciate this, sir. |
sir | Sí señor, enseguida, señor. | Yes sir, straight away, sir. |
sir | Señor, señor, señor, señor. | Sir, sir, sir, sir. |
sir | Perdone, perdone, señor, señor, señor. | Excuse me, excuse me, sir, sir, sir. |
sir | definitivamente señor toma asiento señor discúlpeme señor | definitely sir come sit sir I'm sorry sir |
sir | Señor, señor, señor, no puede entrar aquí. | Janelle! - Sir, sir, sir, you can't come in here, sir. |
Mr. | El señor García ocupa el cargo de gerente de ventas en esta empresa. | Mr. Garcia holds the position of sales director in this company. |
man | En el parque los niños jugaban en los columpios y un señor, sentado en un banco, alimentaba a las palomas. | The children were playing on the swings in the park while a man, sitting on bench, was feeding the pigeons. |
almighty, wonderful, brilliant | Me llevé un susto de padre y muy señor mío cuando encontré una rata en la ducha. | I had an almighty fright when I found a rat in she shower. |
it takes all sorts to make a world | No todas las personas son iguales: tienes que entender que de todo hay en la viña del Señor. | Not all people are the same: you have to understand that it takes all sorts to make a world. |
lord and master | Es un don nadie con ínfulas de grandeza; el dueño y señor de nada. | He's a nobody with delusions of grandeur, the lord and master of nothing. |
Dear Sir | Muy señor mío: Le agradecería me tome en cuenta para la vacante. | Dear Sir: I would be grateful if you considered me for the job opening. |