plant | Quizás lo reciclaron usando un tipo de planta fotosintética. | Maybe they recycled it, used some kind of photosynthetic plant. |
plant | Querían poner una planta de energía. | They wanted to put up a power plant. |
plant | Desde entonces, ninguna planta es amiga mía. | Ever since then, no plant has been a friend of mine. |
plant | Debería elegir la planta más cara. | I should just pick the most expensive plant in the shop. |
plant | Esa planta nuclear abrirá muy pronto. | That nuclear power plant will be opening soon. |
plant | Algo desconocido, una planta tropical... | And something unfamiliar... It is some tropical plant... |
plant | Fue creado bombardeando la planta con rayos gamma. | It was created by bombarding the plant with gamma rays. |
plant | Están abriendo una planta en México. | There's an opening in the plant in Mexico. |
plant | Mi hurón desapareció en la planta. | Look, my ferret disappeared into my plant. |
plant | Descarrilará y arrasará toda la planta. | She'll flip and wipe out the whole plant. |
plant | Avise a emergencias y evacúe la planta. | Get the emergency crew in and evacuatel the plant. |
plant | Era ingeniero en la planta eléctrica. | He's an engineer at the power plant. |
plant | Una planta nuclear usa algo llamado fisión. | In a nuclear plant, we use something called fission. |
plant | Porque no quiero problemas en mi planta. | 'Cause I can't have any problems in my plant. |
plant | Asumo que quieren sabotear la planta, posiblemente detonando algún artefacto. | I assume you're going to sabotage the plant probably by detonating some kind of device. |
floor | No quiero estar en esta planta. | I don't want to be on this floor. |
floor | Ciric no quiere abandonar la planta. | Dr. Ciric doesn't want to leave the floor. |
floor | La exposición será en la planta entera. | The exhibition will be held on this whole floor. |
floor | En cada planta fueron los otros músicos. | Well, on each floor, there was a different musician. |
floor | Estaré patrullando la planta si necesita algo. | I'll be walking the floor if you need anything. |
plant | Una planta necesita de la clorofila para realizar la fotosíntesis. | A plant needs chlorophyll to carry out photosynthesis. |
sole | Me salió una ampolla en la planta del pie por culpa del zapato. | I got a blister on the sole of my foot from the shoe. |
permanent | Un trabajo de planta ofrece más prestaciones que un trabajo eventual. | A permanent job offers more benefits than a temporary job. |
ground floor | El cartero te está esperando en la planta baja para entregarte un paquete. | The postman is waiting for you on the ground floor to give you a package. |