square | Estamos en la plaza de Georgetown. | We're parked in the square in Georgetown. |
square | El sargento marchará en la plaza. | Sergeant Major marching up and down the square. |
square | Es una plaza muy hermoso aquí. | It's a very handsome square out here. |
square | No pude presentarme en la plaza. | I didn't have an opportunity to introduce myself in the square. |
square | Propongo construir una réplica en la plaza del juzgado. | I move that we build a replica of Texasville in the courthouse square. |
square | Pondrían una estatua suya en la plaza. | Why, they'd put up a statue of you in the square. |
square | Colgarán los dos cuerpos en la plaza mañana. | They're hanging the two bodies in the square tomorrow. |
square | Quiero proteger la plaza de los vientos . | I want to protect the square from the wind . |
square | Primero, nos reuniremos en la plaza. | Now, first, we will all gather into the square. |
square | Estuvimos en la plaza todo el tiempo. | You know, we were on the square the entire time. |
square | Encontraremos un coche en la plaza. | We will find a coach in the square. |
square | Vamos, es una plaza ahí al lado... | On the square, over there. I don't feel like having fun tonight. |
square | Habrá una pequeña hoguera en la plaza mañana. | There'll be a little bonfire in the square tomorrow. |
plaza | Tenemos secundarios allá en la plaza. | Wejust got a secondary down there in the plaza. |
plaza | Al toro que cerró plaza le hizo lo mismo. | Hence, the indoor theme park, which was located in the plaza, had been closed as well. |
place | Elegiste renunciar a tu plaza en Balliol. | You did choose to forego your place at Balliol. |
place | Sería genial desenvolverse por una plaza como esa. | It would be great to move around in a place like that. |
plaza, square | El monumento histórico de la plaza de armas será remozado. | There is a nice little park at the center of the plaza (or: square) downtown. |
market, marketplace | Si vas a la plaza no olvides comprar manzanas. | If you go to the market, don't forget to buy apples. |
job, post | Mañana entrevistaré a los candidatos para la plaza de auxiliar administrativo. | Tomorrow I will interview the candidates for the administrative assistant job. |
bull ring | En la plaza de toros se presentó un famoso rejoneador. | A famous bull fighter appeared in the bull ring. |
main square | La plaza mayor de este pueblo aún conserva su encanto. | The town's main square still preserves its charm. |