police | La policía vigila diariamente esos edificios. | Such buildings are monitored on a daily basis by the police. |
police | En ningún caso pudo la policía identificar al infractor. | In no case was the police able to identify the perpetrator. |
police | La policía australiana investigó el incidente. | The Australian police conducted an investigation into the incident. |
police | La policía también investigó el incidente. | The police also conducted an investigation into the incident. |
police | También colabora estrechamente con la policía. | That unit also worked very closely with the police. |
police | La policía investiga puntual y cuidadosamente todas las denuncias. | The police conduct prompt and thorough investigations into all such cases. |
police | Continúan siendo interrogados por la policía. | They continue to be interrogated by the police. |
police | Le mantendré aquí Hasta la policía llegue. | I'll hold you here until the police arrive. |
police | No serán sueños para la policía. | There'll be no dreams for the police. |
police | Kane, las tomó la policía. | Mr. Kane, these were taken by the police. |
police | Un tiroteo fue reportado a la policía. | A shooting incident was just reported to the police. |
police | La policía llegará en un minuto. | The police will be here in a minute. |
police | Desgraciadamente la policía federal tiene pocos medios. | Unfortunately, the federal police has a very limited means. |
police | La policía no quiso dar detalles. | The police won't disclose any more details. |
police | Es la policía, deben haberte seguido. | It's the police, they must've followed you here. |
police | Ustedes están siendo buscado por la policía malaya. | You guys are on the wanted by the Malaysian police. |
police | Era para la policía, diciéndoles dónde encontrarte. | It was to the police, telling them where to find you. |
policeman | Quiero reportar disparos a un policía. | I want to report the shooting of a policeman. |
policeman | Mentí al policía esa mañana sobre la equitación. | So I lied to the policeman that morning about riding. |
police officer | Como esta es una zona peligrosa, verás que hay policías en todas las esquinas. | Since this is a dangerous area, you will see that there are police officers on every corner. |