school | Vamos al mismo colegio desde primero. | We've been in the same school since first grade. |
school | Quiero volver al colegio, mamá. | I want to go back to school, mom. |
school | Bueno, intentamos compensar las carencias del colegio. | Well, we try to make up for what's lacking in the school curriculum. |
school | Hay algún problema en el colegio. | There's something going on at the school. |
school | Pronto tiene que volver al colegio. | She has to go back to school soon. |
school | No habías entrenado tanto desde el colegio. | Haven't seen you practice this hard since school. |
school | Brandon no volvió del colegio el jueves. | Brandon didn't come home from school on Thursday. |
school | Tengo algunos amigos en el colegio... | Well, I have some friends in school... |
school | Eso si sobrevives al primer día de colegio. | That's only if you survive the first day of big school. |
school | Me sorprende que pueda salir al colegio. | I'm amazed he can even show his face at school. |
school | Buscarán frenéticamente un colegio para inscribir al niño. | They will look frantically for a school to enrol the child. |
school | Mi recomendación seria matricularla en un colegio americano. | My suggestion would be to enroll her In an American school. |
school | En el colegio me mandaba informes. | In school, he used to send me memos. |
school | Nos pillaron besándonos detrás del colegio. | We got busted for kissing behind the school. |
school | Parecerá raro si voy al colegio. | It'd look pretty weird if I go to school. |
college | Lei este cuando estaba en colegio. | I read this when I was in college. |
school | Le enseñaron a sumar en el colegio. | They taught him to add at school. |
school building, school | Están pintando el colegio. | They're painting the school. |
school smock, school gown | El pequeño Tomás manchó su bata de colegio con chocolate. | Little Tomas stained his school smock with chocolate. |
change school | Martín cambió de escuela a sus hijos. | Martin changed his children's school. |
bar association | Para ejercer la profesión, la ley exige que todos los abogados se incorporen al colegio de abogados. | In order to practice the profession, the law requires all lawyers to join the bar association. |
college of physicians | El juramento hipocrático es la norma principal del colegio de médicos. | The Hippocratic oath is the primary standard of the college of physicians. |
polling place | A ti te corresponde el colegio electoral de la esquina. | Your polling place is on the corner. |
residence hall | El colegio mayor queda a solo cinco minutos del campus. | The residence hall is just five minutes from the campus. |
private school | Mis hijos estudian en un colegio privado. | My children study at a private school. |
public school | Los maestros hicieron una marcha en defensa del colegio público. | The teachers organized a march in defense of public schools. |