
Prevent Impedir Stop I De Para El La

Index 1030
Question impedir
Question sentences
Trato de impedir que Constantino lo preceda.
Debemos impedir que el mal reine nuevamente.
Answer prevent; stop
Answer sentences and translations
preventTrato de impedir que Constantino lo preceda.I'm trying to prevent Constantine from preceding him.
preventDebemos impedir que el mal reine nuevamente.We must prevent the evil from taking hold again.
preventNecesitas mantenerla tranquila para impedir otro ataque.You need to keep her calm to prevent another attack.
preventComo si pudiese impedir una catástrofe.Ran like a if I could prevent a catastrophe.
preventDebo impedir esta boda como sea.I shall prevent this marriage in any way that I can.
preventNada podría impedir el inicio del conflicto.I don't believe anything can prevent this conflict from beginning.
preventExisten salvaguardias legales para impedir cualquier error judicial.Proper legal safeguards were in place to prevent any miscarriage of justice.
preventSólo trataba de impedir una masacre.I was simply trying to prevent a massacre.
preventJuntos debemos adoptar medidas decisivas para impedir y solucionar esos conflictos.Together we need to take decisive steps to prevent and resolve such conflicts.
preventLo importante es impedir la discriminación de determinados grupos.The important point was to prevent discrimination against a particular group.
preventSu castigo expiará los intentos de impedir la cosecha.His punishment will atone for his attempts to prevent the harvest.
stopLa construimos para impedir ataques terroristas.We built it to stop terrorists before they could act.
stopDebíamos impedir que esta gente matara estadounidenses.We had to stop these people from killing Americans.
stopTenemos que taponar túneles para impedir su avance.We have to block off tunnels to stop their advance.
stopEstaba conmigo cuando intenté impedir un robo.She was with me when I tried to stop a robbery.
stopQuizás intentaban impedir que las robaran.Maybe they were trying to stop a robbery.
stopSólo querías impedir que él matara.All you wanted to do was stop him from killing.
stopAún intenta impedir que explote un hombre.He's still trying to stop an exploding man.
preventEl tapón impide la salida del agua.The stopper prevents the water leaking.

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