previous | Era esencial revisar la posición del anterior Gobierno. | It is essential to review the position of the previous Government. |
previous | También aplicará las experiencias recogidas durante el ciclo anterior. | Moreover, it will apply the lessons it has learned during the previous cycle. |
previous | Ese enfoque implicaría volver al sistema anterior. | Such an approach would be a return to the previous system. |
previous | Estos casos eran sustanciados con el sistema anterior. | These cases were initiated under the previous system of procedures. |
previous | Tampoco facilitó comparaciones con el bienio anterior. | There was also no comparison with the previous biennium. |
previous | Tuvimos una reunión con el equipo anterior. | We've got a meeting with the previous team. |
previous | Había desaparecido el anterior Halloween también. | He went missing the previous Halloween, too. |
previous | Cuida a los hijos de su matrimonio anterior. | I take care of his children from his previous marriage. |
previous | Mi anterior anfitrión se consideraba un experto. | My previous host, Curzon, would have called himself an expert. |
previous | También encontrarás los resultados de las biopsias del médico anterior. | You'll also find the results of the previous physician's biopsies. |
previous | Está recreando el lugar de nuestro anterior encuentro. | Marayna's attempting to re-create the setting of my previous encounter with her. |
previous | Teniente, averigüe todo sobre su arresto anterior. | Lieutenant, find out everything you can about his previous arrest. |
previous | La conocía de un caso anterior. | She knew the woman from a previous case. |
previous | No se ha modificado la legislación anterior. | There had been no change from the previous law. |
previous | Solo quería aclarar nuestro anterior malentendido. | I just wanted to clarify our previous misunderstanding. |
previous | Generalmente es el espíritu del dueño anterior. | It's usually the spirit of the previous owner. |
above | Hay varias excepciones al ejemplo anterior. | There are several exceptions to the above example. |
earlier | Quiero retractarme de mi anterior afirmación. | I'd like to recant my earlier assessment. |
earlier | El proyecto de estatuto mejora notablemente la versión anterior. | The draft statute was a significant improvement on the earlier version. |
earlier | Señora Grandfort, déjeme repetir su contestacióna mi pregunta anterior. | Madame Grandfort, let me repeat your answer to my earlier question. |
before | El día anterior habíamos hablado de nuestros problemas de pareja. | The day before we had talked about our relationship problems. |
front | El perro se lastimó una de las patas anteriores al caer. | The dog injured one of its front legs when it fell. |
as a result | Y por lo anterior decidieron actuar. | And as a result they decided to take action. |
therefore | Por todo lo anterior, quiero felicitar al equipo. | Therefore, I want to congratulate the team. |
preterite perfect, past anterior | El pretérito anterior se usa muy poco en español. | The preterite perfect tense is used very little in Spanish. |