own | También intentamos subir nuestro propio nivel. | We also endeavour to raise our own standards in the process. |
own | Realmente intentábamos crear nuestro propio estilo. | So we really were trying to carve out our own place. |
own | Continuarán su propio diálogo a su propio ritmo. | They will continue their own dialogue at their own pace. |
own | Consigue tu propio concurso y tu propio novio. | Get your own contest, and your own boyfriend. |
own | Necesitamos un propio punto de partida propio. | We need our own starting point. |
own | Pueden firmar contratos en nombre propio. | She can sign contract on/for her own behalf. |
own | Algo que entenderías si tuvieras algún hijo propio. | Something you would understand if you had any sons of your own. |
own | Nuestro propio veterinario en los Hermanos Benzini. | Jacob Jankowski, Benzini Brothers' very own Ivy League veterinarian. |
own | Tenemos bastantes pastillas de jabón de nuestro propio almacén. | We have several bars of soap here from our own supply. |
own | Mi propio padre esta rompiéndome el corazón. | My own father, it's breaking my heart. |
own | Está intentando tener su propio apartamento. | She's trying to get her own apartment. |
own | Nuestrasociedadsecretatiene su propio gobierno queloslíderesdelossuplentes a partir de 12 familias reales. | Our secret society has its own government that alternates leaders from 12 royal families. |
own | Dejemos que encuentren su propio mundo. | Let's let them find their own world. |
own | Me ofrecieron tener mi propio lugar. | I got a fantastic offer for my own place. |
own | Algún día compraré mi propio departamento. | I wish to buy my own apartment someday. |
own | Bueno, no siempre seguí mi propio consejo. | Well, I wasn't always good at taking my own advice. |
own | Tenemos que tener nuestro propio sonido. | Man, we just got to make our own sound. |
own | Los muñecos tienen su propio camarín. | And the puppets get their own dressing rooms. |
own | Está intentado conseguir su propio apartamento. | She's trying to get her own appartment. |
own | Tenían su propio parlamento con facultades específicas pero limitadas. | The Saami had their own Parliament with specific, but restricted powers. |
your own | ¿Tu coche es rentado o propio? | Is your car rented or your own? |
typical | El acné es un problema propio de la adolescencia. Esa actitud le es propia a Pedro: no te sorprendas. | That attitude is typical of Pedro, so don't be surprised. |
appropriate, suitable | Antiguamente, ir a misa usando un velo era lo propio para las mujeres. | In the past, going to mass wearing a veil was appropriate for women. |
self-love, self esteem, self-respect | Claudia no tiene amor propio y por eso ninguna de sus relaciones funciona. | Claudia does not have self-love and that's why none of her relationships work. |
architect of your own destiny | Cada uno es arquitecto de su propio destino. | Each person is the architect of their own destiny. |
assume as your own, take on as your own, consider your own | Juan asumió como propio el crédito por el trabajo que hizo María. | Juan took on the credit as his own for the work Maria did. |
one's own pocket | El buen empleado cuida los gastos de la empresa como si salieran del bolsillo propio. | A good employee pays close attention to company's expenses as if he had to pay them from his own pocket. |
not stand up to scrutiny | Los argumentos caen por su propio peso y es evidente que el acusado es culpable. | The arguments don't stand up to scrutiny and it's obvious that the accused is guilty. |
acting on their own behalf | En el presente contrato, intervienen en su propio nombre y derecho las partes interesadas. | In this contract, the interested parties act on their own behalves. |
proper noun | «Italia» y «Carlos» son nombres propios. | "Italy" and "Charles" are proper nouns. |
for your own good | Me fui de esa casa por mi propio bien. Acepta la oferta de trabajo: es por tu propio bien. | I got out of that house for my own good. Accept the job offer: it's for your own good. |
typical of | Llegar tarde es muy propio de Lucas. | Arriving late is very typical of Lucas. |
a [+ n prop] | ¡Un Montesco enamorado de una Capuleto! | A Montescu, in love with a Capulet! |
eigenvalue | El objetivo de este ejercicio es calcular el valor propio del vector. | The objective of this exercise is to calculate the eigenvalue of the vector. |
see the mote in your brother's eye and not the rafter in your own | Es muy fácil ver la paja en el ojo ajeno pero no la viga en el propio. | It's easy to see the mote in your brother's eye and not the rafter in your own. |