protect | La responsabilidad de proteger es una norma poderosa de comportamiento internacional. | The "responsibility to protect" is a powerful norm of international behaviour. |
protect | También celebramos el acuerdo sobre la responsabilidad de proteger. | We also strongly welcome the agreement on the responsibility to protect. |
protect | Nuestro trabajo es proteger al Señorito... | It's our duty to protect the young master. |
protect | No lo hago por proteger reputaciones. | I'm not doing this to protect reputations. |
protect | Asumimos la responsabilidad de proteger a Harakat. | We had taken on a responsibility to protect Harakat. |
protect | Deberías proteger tu teléfono con un PIN. | You really should protect your phone with a pin. |
protect | Lo estoy tratando de proteger cariño. | I'm trying to protect him, honey. |
protect | Afirmamos nuestros derechos soberanos de proteger a nuestro diplomático. | We assert our sovereign rights to protect our country's diplomat. |
protect | Es una fachada para proteger tu vulnerabilidad. | It's just a front to protect yourself from your own vulnerability. |
protect | Pero todavía me tendrás que proteger. | But you're still going to have to protect me. |
protect | Ud. debe ayudarnos a proteger nuestras fronteras. | You have an obligation to help us protect our borders until we can rebuild our fleets. |
protect | Tú debes proteger aquellos que quedan. | You have to protect the ones who are left. |
protect | Fueron puestas para proteger los arbustos. | They were put up there to protect the bushes. |
protect | Lo encriptaron para proteger los datos. | It's been encrypted to protect the data. |
protect | Es tu obligación proteger las alubias. | It is your birthright to protect the beans. |
protect | Intenté proteger a mi hermano pequeño. | Then I tried to protect my... my... my little brother. |
protect | Necesitas alguien nuevo a quién proteger. | You needed someone new to protect, so you got yourself knocked up. |
protect | Todavía tengo un trabajo que proteger. | I still have a job to protect here. |
protect | Necesitamos encontrar una forma de proteger nuestros irremplazables. | We need to find a way to protect our irreplaceables. |
protect | El prócer dio su vida para proteger la libertad de su pueblo. | The hero gave his life to protect the freedom of his town. |
protect | Usa guantes para proteger tus manos del frío. | Wear gloves to protect your hands from the cold. |