talk | Supongo que entre ellas deben hablar hablar más. | I suppose they must talk between themselves. |
talk | Realmente puedes hablar conmigo ahora, Toby. | You can actually talk to me now, Toby. |
talk | Tengo que hablar contigo, corazón. | I need to talk to you, sweetheart. |
talk | Se que tiene reticencia a hablar... | We know you've been reluctant to talk... |
talk | Puedes hablar mientras salimos de aquí. | You could talk while we walk out of here. |
talk | Deberíais hablar, intentar arreglar las cosas. | Y'all should talk, try to figure things out. |
talk | Subiremos en un minuto para hablar contigo. | We'll be up to talk to you in a minute. |
talk | Sheriff, esperaba que pudiéramos hablar. | Sheriff, I was hoping that we could talk. |
talk | Epstein, tengo que hablar contigo. | Epstein, I need to talk to you. |
talk | Quería un sitio para hablar en privado. | I wanted a place we could talk in private. |
talk | Escuché que Fury quería hablar conmigo. | I heard Fury wants to talk to me. |
talk | Esperaría hasta que estuviera lista para hablar. | I would wait until I was ready to talk. |
talk | Vendrá mañana para hablar del tratamiento. | He's coming in tomorrow to talk treatments. |
speak | Recuerda, viene a hablar conmigo principalmente. | Remember, he's coming primarily to speak to me. |
speak | No podía siquiera hablar, estaba desamparado. | I couldn't even speak, I was helpless. |
speak | Puedo asegurarle, ningún niño comienza a hablar tartamudeando. | I can assure you, no infant starts to speak with a stammer. |
talk about | Permítanme ahora hablar del programa de trabajo. | Now let me talk about a programme of work. |
talk | Los niños estuvieron hablando toda la tarde. | The children were talking all afternoon. |
speak | El Presidente hablará hoy en la televisión. | The President will speak on television today. |
speak | En Suecia se habla sueco e inglés. | In Sweden, people speak Swedish and English. |
give people [sth] to talk about, make people talk | El nuevo peinado de José dio de qué hablar. | Jose's new hairstyle gave people something to talk about. |
be the source of much talk, give people plenty to talk about, make tongues wag | La nueva novia del actor dio mucho que hablar. | The actor's new girlfriend was the source of much talk. |
cause tongues to wag, make the headlines | La decisión de los jefes dio mucho que hablar. | The managers' decision caused tongues to wag. |
don't even go there | Hablamos de recortar gastos, no de aumentar los sueldos; de eso, ni hablar. | We are talking about cutting costs, not raising salaries; don't even go there. |
way of speaking | A los adultos les resulta difícil entender la forma de hablar de los jóvenes. | Adults have trouble understanding young people's way of speaking. |
words tumble out, words come spilling out | ¡Pero cómo quieres que te ayude si no te calmas y me hablas a borbotones! | When Alice went to see the counsellor, all the words came spilling out. |
talk about [sb] behind their back | Laura siempre habla a espaldas de sus amigas. | Laura always talks about her friends behind their backs. |
shout, yell | No me hables a gritos, que no soy sorda. | Don't yell, I'm not deaf. |
speak well of [sb] | Ceder el premio a Carlos habla bien de María. | Handing the prize over to Carlos speaks well of Maria. |
praise [sb] | El jefe habló bien de su secretario. | The boss praised his secretary. |
address [sb] as tú | No seas tan formal, puedes hablarme de tú. | Don't be so formal, you can address me as tú. |
talk in your sleep | Nicolás habla dormido. | Nicholas talks in his sleep. |
speak the same language | Pedro y Juan hablan el mismo idioma, por eso son tan amigos. | Pedro and Juan speak the same language and that's why they're such good friends. |
speak gibberish | Ahí me explicaron por qué estaba fallando el coche pero parecía que me estaban hablando en chino. | They told me why the car wasn't working but it seemed like they were speaking gibberish. |
speak plainly, speak clearly | Me gusta este político porque nos habla en cristiano. | I like this politician because he speaks plainly (or: speaks clearly). |
speak in private, talk in private | La pareja se reunió a hablar en privado. | The couple met to speak in private. |
speak in public | Tengo miedo de hablar en público. | I am afraid of speaking in public. |
mutter | Cuando se enfada, el abuelo frunce el ceño y habla entre dientes. | When he gets angry, grandpa frowns and mutters. |
speak badly of | Ten cuidado con Ana porque habla mal a tus espaldas. | Be careful of Ana, because she'll speak badly of you behind your back. |
talk [sb] up | Las madres siempre hablan maravillas de sus hijos. | Mothers always talk their children up. |
speak very well of [sb] | El trato cariñoso que das a tus papás habla muy bien de ti. | The caring attitude that you show towards your parents speaks very well of you. |
speak for itself | Los números hablan por sí mismos, las ventas están subiendo. | The numbers speak for themselves, sales are rising. |
speak for itself | Los números hablan por sí solos, el precio ha aumentado un 200%. | The numbers speak for themselves: the price has gone up 200%. |
talk on the telephone | Tengo que hablar por teléfono con mi madre. | I have to talk on the telephone with my mother. |
talk to yourself | Esteban habla solo, está loco. | Esteban talks to himself. He's crazy. |
fear of speaking in public, fear of public speaking | Pedro es muy inteligente pero tiene miedo a hablar en público. | Pedro is very intelligent but he has a fear of speaking in public. |
forget it | Si no me tienes confianza, ni hablar, me voy a otra parte. | If you don't trust me, forget it; I'll go somewhere else. |
comfortable talking | Juan es muy suelto al hablar y siempre cae bien. | Juan is very comfortable talking and gets along with everyone. |