get | Realmente necesitan meter más productos orgánicos aquí. | They really do need to get more organic produce here. |
get | Se podría meter tanto equipo aquí. | You could get so much equipment in here. |
get | Me podría meter debajo y arreglarlos. | I could get under there and fix it all up. |
put | Puedo meter la mano a través... | Like, I could just put my hand right through... |
put | Quiero meter todas tus cosas ahí. | I want to put all our things in there. |
put | Es como intentar meter el océano en botellas. | It's like... like trying to put the ocean into bottles. |
put | Dales algo donde meter sus ganancias. | Give them something to put their winnings into. |
put | Intentaste meter su pasaporte en la tostadora. | You tried to put her passport in the toaster. |
put | Tienden a querer meter los dedos. | They tend to just want to put their fingers in. |
put | Y encontremos un frigorífico para meter esto. | And then let's find a refrigerator to put that in. |
put | Y encontremos una heladera para meter esto. | And then let's find a refrigerator to put that in. |
put | No quiero meter al pelotón entero en apuros. | I don't want to put the whole platoon in a wringer. |
put | No habrá que meter ninguna bala. | We don't have to put a bullet in it this time. |
put | No tengo chelines para meter al contador. | I've got no more shillings to put in the meter. |
put | No entiendo donde puedes meter tanto. | I don't understand where you can put it. |
put | Quisiera meter esto en la cámara. | I'd like to put this in the vault. |
put | Podrías literalmente meter un pollo y cocinarlo. | You could literally put a chicken in there and cook it. |
put | En Estados Unidos hay que meter presión inmediatamente. | In the United States you must put pressure on immediately. |
stick | Prefiero meter tu cabeza en el retrete. | I prefer to stick your head in the toilet. |
stick | Entonces yo podría meter el dedo. | Perhaps I could stick a finger into it. |
put | ¿Has metido el agua en la nevera? | Have you put water in the fridge? |
get into | El presidente metió a su primo en la compañía. | The president got his cousin into the company. |
make | Los vecinos de abajo meten mucho ruido por la noche. | The neighbours from downstairs make a lot of noise at night. |
take up | Ana le metió a la falda porque le quedaba muy larga. | Ana took up her skirt because it was very long on her. |
score | Metió la pelota por el aro en el último lanzamiento. | The home team scored a goal in the last minute and won the match. |