recognize | Sus miembros reciben también capacitación para reconocer y notificar esos actos. | Canadian Forces members are also trained to recognize and report any such acts if they observe them. |
recognize | Seguramente no fallará en reconocer eso. | Surely you won't fail to recognize that. |
recognize | Todos hemos acordado reconocer la autoridad independiente de los Rangers. | All of us have agreed to recognize the independent authority of the Rangers. |
recognize | Parecen reconocer la necesidad del cambio. | You seem to recognize the need for change. |
recognize | Quisiéramos reconocer y encomiar el liderazgo de Jamaica. | We should also like to recognize and commend the leadership of Jamaica. |
recognize | La entrenaron para reconocer y atacar americanos. | He's been trained to recognize and attack Americans. |
recognize | Difícil de reconocer, pero era aquí. | [In German] it's hard to recognize, but it was here. |
recognize | Y este algoritmo podría reconocer cualquier actividad típica y simplemente ignorarla. | See, and this algorithm would recognize any typical activity and just ignore it. |
recognize | Sé reconocer a los candidatos al suicidio. | I recognize a possible suicide when I see one. |
recognize | Y Miscavige quiso reconocer por ello. | And miscavige wanted to recognize him for it. |
recognise | No les tomó mucho tiempo reconocer su extraordinario potencial. | It didn't take them long to recognise its extraordinary potential. |
acknowledge | Puede darse ese caso cuando una organización desea reconocer su responsabilidad. | This may be one instance when an organization may wish to acknowledge its responsibility. |
acknowledge | Pero debe reconocer a la corte. | But you do have to acknowledge the court. |
recognize | El perro reconoce a sus dueños por el olor. | The dog recognises his owners by smell. |
appreciate | La policía reconoce la ayuda prestada durante el terremoto. | The police appreciate the help given during the earthquake. |
recognize | El cantante ha reconocido al niño, que ahora tiene su apellido. | The singer has recognised the child as his grandson. |
concede, admit | El ministro reconoció que se había equivocado. | The minister conceded (or: admitted) that he had been mistaken. |
examine | El médico reconoce a los pacientes. | The doctor is examining the patients. |